Interplay announces Fallout 3 licensing deal with Bethesda

Theoban said:
I don't really understand what the fuss is with Troika, I've only played Arcanum, and although when I first loaded it up I went "It's Fallout" the dialogue isn't any better than Morrowind's, every NPC is completely forgettable and I skip through alot of the text merely because it's fairly nondescript. Don't get me wrong, I really like this game, but it's no Fallout.

Troika's games are very little more than proof that they are able to do "something", but not that relevant for Fallout 3.

The thing with Troika is, it has the two people who truely understand what Fallout is about. No, not devs who can hold empty easy stories about "being a fan of Fallout" and "having played it a lot". This is true for many people. Fallout was a monumental game. But everyone who played it think they *get it*. And this is not necessarily true.

Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are the only developers who have, in my eyes, truely proven that they *know* Fallout. I mean, they created it. What makes Fallout Fallout comes from them. Go and read their dev profiles on NMA if you want to see what I mean.

They understand Fallout on a level that can not be attained by anyone else.

Imagine you bump into some dude, you start talking and eventually become very good friends. You're, in fact, probably his best friend in the world, and know him better than "anyone else"...only not really. Nobody knows him as well as his parents do, as they molded him into what he is today, and that's the case with Fallout.

Nobody else has that. Even a lot of the people who worked on Fallout 2 simply *didn't get it*. This is exemplified by the huge gaping flaws in the game. The same is true for Van Buren.

Don't get me wrong, that doesn't make them bad games. Fallout 2 was a fantastic game, and the infamous New Reno was a fantastic city. It just wasn't a fantastic Fallout game, and New reno wasn't a fantastic Fallout city. Van Buren had some good NPCs, just not good Fallout NPCs.

Now nothing truely proves that Leonard and Tim could create another masterpiece like that. It was a unique experience, as anyone who worked on it can affirm, but they probably have the best chance to do so.

That doesn't mean I won't give bethesda a chance, tho'
Yeah, but Fallout 3 was never, ever gonna happen as we wanted, it was never going to be the 'Dream Team' of Fallout making it, I just think that there are alot of worse companies that could hold the Fallout Licence out there. Interplay being one of them.

/still shudders everytime people mention 'tactics'
They should probably start from scratch. no companies that have taken over a semi-made game have really succeded, no matter how good they are. Just look at Red dead revolver.
Quoting a Bethesda developer:
It will not be Morrowind with guns. It won't be because we are not idiots. We are game developers, and we're good at what we do.

That is what everyone is worried about. People who think we will never progress beyond Morrowind are going to be in for one hell of a wake-up call.

Don't know what to make from the wake-up call, but we'll see.
Jesus H Christ

I go away for one goddamn day...

I'll tell you how I feel about this: I am scared. I'm not pissed that Bethesda got it. I'm not pissed that Troika or Obsidian didn't get it. I'm scared of what Bethesda could do.....or fail to do.
Yes. Would have been so much better if all of this had never happened, and BIS was still making it, with full funding,eh?

*builds time machine, Caen-hunting device and acquires 10 million dollars*
Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are the only developers who have, in my eyes, truely proven that they *know* Fallout. I mean, they created it.

Actually, Scott Campbell created the world of Fallout.

Tim was the lead programmer for Fallout 1 and created the SPECIAL system, once Interplay dropped the GURPS license.

I'm not trying to take away from Tim's or Leonard's contributions to Fallout, but I would like to give credit where credit is due.
"Morrowind with guns and a nuclear feel"

I really hope that they will not do that. Morrowind was a good game, but was nowhere close to Fallout. The huge environments were more like a wasteland than a fantasy area. Wandering monsters will not make much sense as they are in Morrowind, but they could be adapted with better AI and coordination.

What I think is an essential element of Fallout is the excellent dialogue and intricate speech trees. I was surprised by Morrowind's dialogue because it reminded me more of the forced 'speech' of Final Fantasy than Fallout. There might have been allot of detail and text, but you just did not have any freedom and did not feel like you were reacting to an NPC, just reading yet another little background piece. This contributed little to the atmosphere of the game, in spite of it's volume. Still, I think they could have put their effort into using a similar system with fully engaging dialogue ala Fallout.

If Morrowind was supposed to be a hack 'n slash, they could have at least put more effort into it for that purpose. The combat was poor and the graphics unnatural.

They might be able to build something from scratch, but I doubt why they would do this if they can use Morrowind resources.

What I fear most is that the developers will either be 'democratic' i.e. listen to Diablo fans, or think that they must dumb down Fallout and make it politically correct, all to make more money. I do not know if they would a make a title true to the style of Fallout because they might not think that it will be popular enough. I always wonder why people prefer Morrowind and Diablo to Fallout. Is it because of marketing or is it just that most people are stupid?

We will just have to wait and see what happens and hope (against hope) that they care more about quality than profiting with the aid of the army of teen morons.
Eragon2004 said:
Actually, Scott Campbell created the world of Fallout.

Tim was the lead programmer for Fallout 1 and created the SPECIAL system, once Interplay dropped the GURPS license.

I'm not trying to take away from Tim's or Leonard's contributions to Fallout, but I would like to give credit where credit is due.

I know. The reason I wasn't mentioning that is because Scott isn't exactly "in the loop" right now.

I was looking at, say, if you have the options Troika/Obsidian/InXile/Bethesda/Bioware/SSE/whatever, which one of those would be most able to stay true to the game, considering the people working for it. I was clearing up the whole "obsessed with Troika"thing. worried. looking at their past games, i dont see how theyre going to stick to the iso view EVER...that is such an important part of the fricking game!...its going to be 3Dilised and consolised to shit and that'll be the death of fallout...
but ill put by a single faint ray of hope that wont be the case.
That the Fallout title is alive, is probably good.
And Morrowind for what it's worth is pretty good too...
But at this point, I'd dare say we're looking at a 2007, 3d, 1st/3rd (+/- switchable), real time game, in a giant, empty, 95% pointless, seemless world with interlevel/map loading, but with sepparate non-seemless outdoor-indoor system, possibly highly modable content, completely open ended, night and day system, weather system; rain, snow, sandstorm, 2000+ randomized lootable items, massively generic dialogue that will eventually bore the living daylight outta you, little or no voice acting, 15 thousand completely identical vaults and caves, a bizzare half dice half 3d shooter combat system that will leave you petrified if you attempt to understand, a beyond moronic AI that will shoot you in the back with a minigun and no team member controls whatsoever, No close-up renders of important characters, overly plentiful equipment, special item under every other rock, be a millionaire in 15 minutes - without really trying, typical hero save the world from crazy madman plot, 2 different quest layouts: bring this and kill that, all involves a lot of running, annoying as fook cliff racer monster, pixelshader and particle effect spamming, ultra lagging UI, ultracrappy controls made for an xbob controller, console to pc port (in that order), rated 'T' for Teen or with any luck 'R' for Retarded, and it'll run at 12 frames per second on the newest shit.

And that's probably not so good... Maybe we will see post apocalyptic stuff, maybe we will see pipboy 2000, but... doubtfully we will see fallout 3...
but.... the good news is, I have a very good record for being very wrong.

Ianout (the fanmade fallout clone) looks good though... I look quite forward to the next version. maybe it'll support FOT gfx and keep fo2 quest/dialogue trees, hint hint nudge nudge... oh well.
I'm not sure if this is a "Hey, good, we might actually see something now" event or a "Nuke the site from orbit; it's the only way to be sure" event.

Why did you over-bid Troika Bethesda?!

When I first read that Bethesda had bought the Fallout license I was relatively happy that someone was keeping it alive. I liked Morrowind, it was a good game and Bethesda is a good developer. But when I read that Troika was in the bidding and had been over-bid by Bethesda I was furious.

Why Bethesda, if not purely for the money? If the guys at Bethesda are really fans of Fallout they would've let Troika have it.

They had to know that Troika had received the backing to purchase the license, but they came in at the last second and overbid them. If they were real gamers who wanted to see a true Fallout developed they should've been thrilled to see Troika take it all smells of rotten greed and suits to me.

After reading several items by Bethesda people, it's obvious that the next Fallout will not be what the true Fallout fans want or expect. That's not to say that they won't create a good game, but it won't be a true Fallout. If Bethesda wanted to create a post-apocolyptic rpg, they should've just created one that would be their own and uniquely Bethesda. There's no doubt in my mind that whatever they come up with, no matter how glorious, will not be accepted well by the real fans of the series.

Someone other than the original developers of Fallout creating a Fallout game is like someone other than Stephen King writing the final book in the Dark Tower series, someone other than Frank Miller writing a Dark Night book, someone other than James Cameron doing a Terminator movie (oh wait, this already happened and we know how that turned out), someone other than Tolkien writing a Lord of the Rings novel.

I feel a little sick and disappointed now...
This is the worst news ever!!!!!!!!

Bethesda, the makers of the most generic games, is entrusted with a game that had depth of story, character, and atmosphere that they totally wish they could do.

This makes me sad. Why couldn't they build off of the work in progress? :(

This makes me sad. Why couldn't they build off of the work in progress?

Because it's not what they do well.


I smell a new motto. Can someone with some photoshop skills work up a logo?

"Bethesda Softworks: It's not what we do well"