Interplay - coming soon

MapMan said:
I'm being way more optimistic about Interplays FOOL than Beths Fallout 3. Maybe it's because we've already lost any hope for good fallout 3 and we still don't know anything about FOOL(except it being a mmo game).

I rather a strong and solid single player Fallout game BUT with a easy and fun multiplayer mode. Sorta like Age of Conan. :ugly:
Psst, my secret sources tell me that FOOL will be a multi-player version of Minesweeper only with atomic bombs!
Well, I'm rather interested in FOOL, because although Fallout is suppose to be an epic and unique single player experience, I'd very much like to blast some friends with my SPECIAL character using 10mm pistol in a ruined landscape.

Besides, FOOL has the comfort of not being a sequel to the previous games and thus should not be judged in the same manner. So the devs will have more freedom in their game, as I highly doubt they will claim that it will be "the only and true Fallout better than ever" like Bethesda does.

The only thing I fear is that they may try to milk as much cash out of people as they can, which will result in a high monthly fee + the price for the game itself, something like Blizzard did.

But hey, if they'd did and it'd worked out, they could eventually buy back Fallout license and reactivate BIS!

Yeah yeah, I know. I'm naive.
Ravager69 said:
Well, I'm rather interested in FOOL, because although Fallout is suppose to be an epic and unique single player experience, I'd very much like to blast some friends with my SPECIAL character using 10mm pistol in a ruined landscape.

Well the bright side of things is that FOOL would most likely feature turn-based combat if only for the technical difficulties of massively multiplayer combat in realtime over the internet (first person shooters can do it with relative ease with 64 players, but only a few have ever done it on a massive scale - ie. 1000's). I don't see FOOL being 2D isometric because in today's competitive MMO landscape only hardcore Fallout fans would buy into a 2D MMO no matter how deep it was (of course if it were a casual game - e.g. Puzzle Pirates - it could still get enough players if it were supported by micropayments or advertisements).

If it is 2D isometric then we know that Interplay is really hurting for money and time - although that would be great fanservice. If it is 3D isometric (akin to Van Buren or better) then we know that Interplay is really trying to both please the fans and introduce the public at large to what we at NMA have been clamoring on about for years. The product could really differentiate itself from FO3 while still providing an undated game engine. Of course, Interplay could screw the pooch and make FOOL try to imitate FO3 and World of Warcraft and have it not appeal to anyone, while running huge development and maintenance costs.

On the hopeful side of things Interplay does have the opportunity to innovate on FOOL because they aren't locked into an existing revenue stream, and really just need to make FOOL stick out and play well. One could imagine them making the game really free-form, with all of the locations on the whole west coast starting out the day after the bomb dropped, and you might or might not start out in a Vault, at a secret military depot, or what not, and you would have to decide if it were safe to leave, where to settle down (based on natural resources conveniently place on the future spots of Shady Sands, Broken Hills, and the Hub). NPCs would probably be required if only to break up the crafting monotony. There have been a few MMOs already that have made settlements completely player created, but they haven't been the really big ones (the experimental A Tale in the Desert). Anyway I hope it turns out well I might be persuaded to play it for a while - and I haven't ever bought into an MMO, only read the reviews/commentaries.
But hey, if they'd did and it'd worked out, they could eventually buy back Fallout license and reactivate BIS!

Yeah yeah, I know. I'm naive.
That would require Bethesda to lose a bunch of money on FO3 AND Interplay make money hand-over-fist on FOOL. I can see one of those things happening, but for both to happen would be very improbable.
I would prefer FOOL to be in made with a hybrid 3D/2D iso view akin to the MMO Ragnarok Online, but with a Fallout based gritty and semi-realistic art direction instead of the heavy japanamation influence.

Even with it's realtime combat, the game is fun and easily playable with a party of 30 or more and untold thousands of other players roaming around doing the same.

It's not the most stat-heavy style of game, but the potential is there to add in most of the features we love about fallout's combat while still giving the newer audience something they can enjoy (not so deep rt-combat).
I really don't get it . . . why don't they just hire the original team and give them full artistic freedom? Oh, right, I forgot, love and dedication is beyond the Games Industry nowadays. God, I miss the 90's . . . .
patriot_41 said:
I really don't get it . . . why don't they just hire the original team and give them full artistic freedom? Oh, right, I forgot, love and dedication is beyond the Games Industry nowadays. God, I miss the 90's . . . .
It's a good thought, but I'm sure that a lot of them are currently employed at companies much more stable than Interplay, but yes your right artistic freedom is rare at big developers nowadays.
Jiggly McNerdington said:
Yeah, don't forget the Descent ball right near Kurt.

Glad someone else noticed it! :D

I think that the Descent series was alot of fun and kinda redefined the 3d shooter a bit -- though I suspect the disorientation made it less popular than other games.

That said, it was also my first online game.
Jesterka said:
Some highly <s>utopian</s> optimistic users here seems to have a really short memory, don't count on Herve Caen at any time.

Christ thank you! I can't believe all the folk that are supporting Iplay here... After what Herve did... I don't think there is any forgiving him or the company as long as he retains any relationship other than "former ceo now ex-employee".
I'm actually more exited for the future of interplay then bethesda FO3.

Since we already know the most important stuff on FO3 (and that the game even though can be good itself, won't be anywhere near the original Fallouts) we can still hope FOOL will prove to be the saviour of the frenchise.
I wonder...Iterplay's web site will be up it not so long, there will inevitably (I hope) be a forum section, will you guys sign up?
It's not forgiving Herve, it's that type of hope that's clutching at straws for something that everyone here's been clamoring for, and Interplay, although tarnished, is still a symbol for a lot of people towards a decent, and thought provoking game.

Yes Herve dug his own grave, yes he's sold the future of Fallout to be turned into an X-Brick hoor, yes he dissolved one of the best CRPG design shops down, but name me someone that hasn't blundered in the industry.

We have 3dRealms that's all but vaporware, we have Psygnosis that went down the tubes and dissapeared, we have Troika Games that have also gone. Westwood, Maxis, ad infinitum have been eaten by EA and other companies to form a conglomerate game production shop that produces soulless entertainment to please the console kiddies.

There is little left to hope for that's not been stomped, trashed, abandoned, or quashed by the big companies, and until 3DRealms gets their act together and finally produces a game we can all enjoy, there's really only Interplay left that hasn't been eaten from the yesteryears of gaming.

Like it or not, we only have Herve left to put our hope in, as sickening as the thought is, it's still the only option left aside from pray that an indy with skill puts out something that blows away the market and he decides to stand up against the conglomerate gaming shops rather than get eaten up by them.
Don't forget Blizzard and id Software.

Although I'm kinda reluctant to mention the latter, seeing the bucket loads of pure crap Doom 3 and Quake 4 were.. they still can redeem themselves with Rage and Quake Zero/Live.

And there's also the odd chance LucasArts might make a worthwhile game, sooner or later. Ha. Ha.

Well, let's wait and see. I, personally, am very interested to see what Interplay will do with the franchises it still owns (except DA, i couldn't care less about it). I really wouldn't mind playing another MDK or Descent, no sir.