Interplay - coming soon

Indies don't have the same sentimental value like the games you played when you still were a dumb kid.
I was never really fond of the Quake and Doom series personally so I guess it's kind of a non issue for me as far as id is concerned.

As for Lucas Arts, they're too busy pumping out clones of Lego Starwars to bother with anything else.

Blizzard, to me I don't know what to expect, I am not fond of WoW which is where their mainstay has been for the past 6-7 years now so I honestly wonder if they're going to be able to capture Starcraft correctly again, I have high hopes but there's always that nagging question in the back of my skull...
We have to put all of our hopes for a true Fallout, into Interplay?

This is probably the most ironic idea that his ever been proposed on NMA.

It is absolutely insane, therefore I love it.

But I also fucking hate it.

Also, I'm still pissed off by the legions upon legions of new members, that are "suspiciously" downplaying how retarded Fallout 3 is and how much they enjoyed Oblivion.

OBLIVION WAS MINDLESS GARBAGE! I'd rather play Duckhunt!

If your an employee at Bethesda, or a fanboy from the Bethesda forums, be a real fucking man (or women) and let it be known.

Either it is a conspiracy, or my brain is completely destroyed from years of drug abuse. I think the former.
Ravager69 said:
Indies don't have the same sentimental value like the games you played when you still were a dumb kid.

Neither is independent game development at a point where it constitutes a serious alternative.

If you look at Hollywood, you have independents like the Coen Brothers, to name just an example. The Coen Brothers have the capability, funds and technical know-how to make AAA movies just as well-produced as those of Hollywood. The same is simply not true of the gaming industry. "True" independent development (so not including the likes of Bethesda or pre-EA BioWare) is a fringe occurrence, it's outside of the industry in every way possible and because of that, it's about good ideas, but not about good production or good execution. It falls short.

Hence why a name like Interplay can still bring up fond hopes, especially if they hire Jason D. Anderson. It makes sense.
I wonder if Earthworm Jim would be any good as a 3rd person game, unless Interplay decides to try and revive the side-scroller viewpoint I don't know how else they'd make it.

Hopefully not first person, that would just make the game look bad not being able to see Jim...
I think platform games ended up doing fairly well transitioning from side-view to third person, I'm sure E:J could do the same. The basic gameplay is the same, you just add an extra dimension.
Brother None said:
DarkLegacy said:
I think Interplay was horribly ripped off

In what way? 6 million is a fair price for a license.

Considering the amount of money that Bethesda is going to make; I'd say they were ripped off pretty badly. Not to mention that they're destroying the entire 'Fallout world' while they're at it as well. :(
DarkLegacy said:
Considering the amount of money that Bethesda is going to make

That's not a relevant question. The question is "how much more do you sell by using this license rather than making a new franchise". 6 million is overselling that number, if anything.
Lost Metal said:
We have to put all of our hopes for a true Fallout, into Interplay?

This is probably the most ironic idea that his ever been proposed on NMA.
Well, the whole first game is irony (using the evil that previously destroyed the world to extinguish a new threat) or whatever that term is that you guys used to throw around.

I have a strange feeling that I just epically failed in there, somewhere...