Interplay reopens in-house studio, hires Jason D. Anderson

If Corith were here, he'd be telling us Herve's arrogance is blinding him to the unrealistic nature of his plans.

If he were here.
I don't believe a Fallout MMO would be able to stay true to its predecessors. It would actually be better if it offered a multi-player option akin to diablo albeit more complex.
I found every news about Interplay and Mr. Caen amazing. I see him like those exploitation cinema mercenaries (directors, actors, producers...). And he is hiring more mercenaries, and has a big portfolio, too. What cool trash goods will he create?
It'll be nice to simply see an Interplay logo on a game again.
The best part of this all though is that an MDK sequel is highly likely. I love that game and it has one of the best settings ever.
oh the carcass has been zombified and its walking again!!

they want to do dark alliance 3??After playing BG2 and then getting alliance i put that game so fast in ebay.

Makes me sick in a way.
Re: Games coming out

troybilt said:
bringing in Jason Alexander


troybilt said:
P. S. Interplay stock is still in the 8 cent range. I'm fixing to throw in a little cash, just to see how all this play out. Probably a long shot, but with no risk comes no reward.

Man, stop pimping your shares already, we're not taking them off your hands.

draeke said:
***Edit ..and wow I still have 2 strikes for the same post I made like 6 months ago note to all you lurkers don't use logic in your posts lol

Whine about that once more and you'll get your third one.

It's curious that anyone would actually trust Herve enough to go work for him.
Wasteland Stories said:
and he's not stupid...
Anderson's stupid?
Damn no! I didn't mean that. I meant that he wouldn't quit blizzard to work on interplay under caen, because that would be stupid. Anderson wasn't on the industry.
The signing of Anderson is most interesting indeed... so much so that it MADE ME POST. I'm curious as to what he's actually going to do.

I hope he won't be working on FOOL, because that doesn't sound like any less of a fantastic clusterfuck than it did seven (was it seven?) years ago.
DarkCorp said:
I don't believe a Fallout MMO would be able to stay true to its predecessors. It would actually be better if it offered a multi-player option akin to diablo albeit more complex.

Oh dear god, not a Fallout clickfest!!!

My whole outlook on the subject :

Okay, I'm not up to date so please could someone explain me, why you guys bitch so much about interplay? MMO can still be a good RP experience... I think...
Wait a minute, y'all actually think Interplay is going to pull out of this tailspin? The only reason they're recreating a development studio is that nobody (not even crazy people) would give money to a company without a development studio so they could develop a game. They'd be better off investing their money in their own company, due to Interplay's debt of $1,810,000 (those this has been reduced due to the final installment of Bethesda's purchase of Fallout IP. Now brain dead groups might just give them money.

Still, the company has operated at a loss of $289,000, a substantial increase from the operating loss they had over the same quarter in 2006, $163,000. Revenue (not counting the Fallout IP sale) has continued to decrease $62,000 last quarter, $47,000 this one.

The only way they've been able to make a 'profit' is to both refinance and wide out debt through accounting practices. They caused $786,000 dollars worth of debt to 'disappear' this quarter and $1,355,000 overall (they just started the practice this quarter) by saying that since nobody had tried to collect it in the last three years, it no longer mattered (see Note 4). If Interplay actually had money to give them, they'd probably try a bit harder.

They're still very fucked, just trying to appear less fucked.
i wonder why the hell anderson returned to the hellhole that is Interplay (under Herve anyway)... must be something damn interesting?
I can't believe anyone (let alone someone like Jason Anderson) is still naive enough to trust Herve on anything. I guess it's because Jason left before Herve bought IPLY and hasn't experienced firsthand what a sneaky bastard he is. I guess Jason will also be working on the FO MMO when (if) they start working on it.
MapMan said:
Okay, I'm not up to date so please could someone explain me, why you guys bitch so much about interplay? MMO can still be a good RP experience... I think...

Mainly because it's an undead zombie, not only unable to sustain any manner of its own creative activity, but not even eke out a parasitic existence on others. Currently they don't have the resources, and until this they certainly lacked know-how to make any kind of a game.

Which makes me the more surprised at Jason Anderson returning to their fold.

Oh, and there's one thing that will destroy any MMORPG.

"Turns out it's man!"