Interplay v Bethesda court filings

Would be pretty interesting if Interplay could leave a scratch on bethesda's/zenimax pristine reputation, but other than that i don't think they have a strong enough case (seing as how this news comes from a stockholder who is obviously biased and seems pretty desperate), or the right financial backup.

Either way, i'm interested to see how this will end up, i just hope that zenimax won't be on the triumphing side. Best of all, would be that both sides would sustain major damage finance and reputation wise (not that interplay has any of those left to begin with :D ).
Not that I expect it to happen, but I'd love to see Bethesda lose the Fallout franchise back to Interplay. :D
We might see less of a Fallout butchering then, at least.

If Interplay could turn this into something good, it'd be great. Still, I want Herve gone in any case...
Their reputation may be pristine, but seeing what they have done and do, they should have one of the lowest reputations in the industry, quite frankly.
Morbus said:
Their reputation may be pristine, but seeing what they have done and do, they should have one of the lowest reputations in the industry, quite frankly.

Quite frankly, no. The gaming industry is - unsurprisingly - an "industry" and people behave as such. There's not a lot of "nice guy" companies out there. Bethesda has the reputation of being one, but it isn't, but that doesn't make it worse than the average company out there.
Hmmm, if they manage to make Zenimax cough up some millions I will be happy! I am certainly one of those who thinks Interplay should just disappear, but Zenimax's (and bethesda's) philosophies about making games I loathe the more.
You people really want an MMO or any games by Interplay right now?

They have no money, they are in debt, so this game is going to be a mess when it's release.

Yeah Fallout 3 wasn't perfect. It wasn't like the originals. But at least it wasn't buried with Interplay. Bethesda gave the Fallout setting a future. We might not all agree with that future, but at least it has one.

It doesn't matter if its by Bethesda or not, at least it gives me another chance to go back to the wasteland. I don't understand why everyone thinks Bethesda is the enemy here. This is a business. This is how it works.

You don't remember when Interplay screwed us over by making Fallout BOS and closing Black Isle, etc.
I hope Bethesda gets there shit stomped in! Lets Go Interplay!! yayayaya :clap:


Balthezor.. I don't think you realize that Bethesda has been the enemy since they were thinking about buying the fallout license for a lot of people.
They made the third part of a sequel intended to be played by people who never played any other games of the sequel - this is one of the worst crimes they could do to the Fallout series.

And they put "Game Of The Year" next to a game (I'm talking about Fallout 3) that, well, I can't deny it's good, but it's very sloppily made - even I can make a huge list of changes that would certainly improve the game that don't require any complicated programming, and I haven't even been through the whole game.

Here are examples of what I mean:

[spoiler:89eccba497]Just look at how they made it impossible for the player to imagine he's playing through the third game of the Fallout sequel - they made the strongest melee weapon at the start of the game a baseball bat and the main enemy - cockroach. Was it so hard to make the player play using knife by removing the baseball bat (I know the player can ignore the bat, but this way he is not playing the game as it's intended - it's not the same)? Why didn't they put rats instead? I don't think creating the model is hard. And they created so many obviously imbalanced/dumb perks - like the +skill ones, because it just isn't exciting to have them, because they don't do anything exciting, and some players wouldn't pick them, because they are going for 100 points in all skills. A lot of features are stupidly made, because you can miss something and never get a chance for it again. Like a quest in which you get an unique weapon in one of the solutions - if I didn't checked fallout wikia for the quest, I would have missed one of the best weapons in the game (A3-21's Plasma Rifle). Not to mention the reward for Wasteland Survival Guide. I can add much more things to this list.[/spoiler:89eccba497]

And the DLCs for it are horrible, from what I heard. Especially the broken Steel (sic)'s way of extending the level cap.

At firstly, Fallout 3 looks like a great game (but most games do anyway), but when thoughtfully looked, it's easy to see its flaws. And Bethesda keep telling how good it is, instead of going and fixing those small things.

On top of that, they are ruining Interplay's chances to make a Fallout MMO! And if everything frymuchan wrote is true (except his opinion about the chances of Interplay winning), then Bethesda are indeed going way greedy (more greedy than their regular greedy) and they deserve to lose the license and their rights over Fallout 3 (yeah, I do realize how impossible is even the possible part of what I say). Bethesda had proven themselves to be the worst enemy of the Fallout series (though they brought them some benefit). Go, Interplay!
Blackened said:
On top of that, they are ruining Interplay's chances to make a Fallout MMO!

And how is that of any importance to real Fallout fans?

Blackened said:
And if everything frymuchan wrote is true

Part of it might be true, but some of those claims seem pretty unrealistic, assuming that zenimax has financial advisors and lawyers with at least some ammount of competence.
Brother None said:
UncannyGarlic said:

They're not accredited, that just means they don't pay the BBB fee.
Neither is Valve yet Valve has an A. Sure, being accredited means they will likely get a better examination but the fact remains that they have an F and a D- while other unaccredited companies have higher ratings. I read an article/blog somewhere that said on average, unaccredited companies have a lower ranking but that reason for that is unclear (it could simply be that more companies who care about customer service get accredited). I was just point it out to show that they don't have a flawless image, as much as their fans might despair.
UncannyGarlic said:
I was just point it out to show that they don't have a flawless image, as much as their fans might despair.

Well in a sense they do, since only a handful of people know of their true work ethics.
Herr Mike said:
This is amazing! This is incredible! Unprecedented! Mind-boggling!

Interplay has a shareholder!

Haha, I was surprised by this as well. Why you would want to invest with stocks like theirs, no one knows.
I just wish Interplay somehow manages to stay afloat and continues to be able to sell the original trilogy (and rest of its back catalog).
When an Interplay stockholder leaps up and shouts that everything's going to turn around, it basically means "For the love of all that's unholy take these worthless things off my hands!" It's happened before.