Interplay v Bethesda court filings

I'm more than a little confused as to how Interplay has implicitly acknowledged they raised the 35 million. There is some dark magic at work in this "summary."

Balthezor said:
But at least it wasn't buried with Interplay. Bethesda gave the Fallout setting a future. We might not all agree with that future, but at least it has one.

Oh man, not an argument you even want to attempt here, no matter how true it is. I mean, look at this thread: people calling for a boycott in a group that is the tiniest minority of its audience, and mostly never bought the game in the first place! I admire your spunk, though.

Blackened said:
A lot of features are stupidly made, because you can miss something and never get a chance for it again.

I think you're the first person I've seen on here to actually complain about Fallout 3 having too many choices and consequences, which is very interesting. However, I'm at a loss when trying to understand how one of the major flaws is cockroaches and a baseball bat at the beginning instead of rats and a knife. Help me out here. Was the slow rat grind intro of F1 really that sweet for you?
Balthezor said:
Yeah Fallout 3 wasn't perfect. It wasn't like the originals. But at least it wasn't buried with Interplay. Bethesda gave the Fallout setting a future. We might not all agree with that future, but at least it has one.
I don't care about Fallout setting - it is an used setting anyway. I would accept even Lioneheart as a successor of Fallout if it would have a similar gameplay.
Too bad that it didn't...
terebikun said:
Oh man, not an argument you even want to attempt here, no matter how true it is. I mean, look at this thread: people calling for a boycott in a group that is the tiniest minority of its audience, and mostly never bought the game in the first place! I admire your spunk, though.

People's fear of "death of a franchise" is iillogically absolute, which means the logic of "at least it has a future" always work. It doesn't matter how shitty the Terminator franchise is getting, "at least it has a future." Do you not see how much of a non-argument that is? Sometimes it is better for a franchise to die. Monkey Island should have stopped after II, the franchise was finished and it was time for new, creative adventure games in the same vein. PS:T should never have a sequel. These are arguable arguments but they rely on an assumption that sometimes it is not bad when a franchise dies, and the fanboy's illogical dedication invalidates this assumption.

Also, no one here is calling for a boycott. That's the Interplay stockholder being silly. We never called for a boycott for anything. Not BoS, not Fallout 3.
I think you're the first person I've seen on here to actually complain about Fallout 3 having too many choices and consequences

I was complaining not about the choices being too many, but with them being stupidly designed. I didn't even said they are too many.

I'm at a loss when trying to understand how one of the major flaws is cockroaches and a baseball bat at the beginning instead of rats and a knife. Help me out here. Was the slow rat grind intro of F1 really that sweet for you?

There weren't baseball bats (I don't count the Louisville Slugger) or cockroaches in the original Fallout games. When I was expecting Fallout 3, my thoughts were "Yeah, I know it's not what it could have been, but at least I'll get to play the Fallout games I know in first person and real life. It would be so awesome to kill a radscorpion with a spear in real time first person combat.", and how can you imagine you are playing the same sequel in a different way, if you even don't start with similar weapons against similar opponents! Later, you see familiar opponents and use familiar weapons, but things are way different, and you have long forgotten imagining you play the same old Fallout with different graphics.

People's fear of "death of a franchise" is illogically absolute

I believe Fallout will always be alive, because there will always be new mods and post-apocalyptic games inspired by Fallout. Honestly, the upcoming fan-made Fallout stuff seem more promising to me than most of the upcoming Fallout products (except Fallout: New Vegas).
K.C. Cool said:
Herr Mike said:
This is amazing! This is incredible! Unprecedented! Mind-boggling!

Interplay has a shareholder!

Haha, I was surprised by this as well. Why you would want to invest with stocks like theirs, no one knows.

It's a bit like venture capitalism, the chances of this case favoring Interplay might be low but the stock is low enough that you could make a killing in the long run. This case reminds me a lot of SCO vs IBM/Red Hat/Novell btw and if it's anything like that this could be tied up in the courts for a very long time.
As one-sided as the legal summary is, and as big a jerkface as HC of Interplay is, I have no doubt that Interplay is technically correct here. Bethesda has basically been waging a PR campaign against Interplay for some time, and has made it quite clear they'd like to see Interplay/HC completely and utterly destroyed.

That being said, the American Legal System, as someone noted, is almost entirely based on how much money you have, so Bethesda will certainly win even if they are in the legal wrong.

Personally, I don't think either side here is 'better' then the other, morally speaking. If there were any justice, Obsidian would get the franchise, but there isn't any justice.
I am actually more and more getting the feel that Interplay is the lesser of two evils. At least with interplay we wouldn't have seen Oblivion with guns...
Interplay has just to get a better layer then Bethesda, then it might have a chance. BN already said it earlier. Thats how the US system works.
If it weren't for Bethesda, Chris Avellone wouldn't have had another crack at a brand new Fallout game...
lastofthelight said:
That being said, the American Legal System, as someone noted, is almost entirely based on how much money you have, so Bethesda will certainly win even if they are in the legal wrong.
[intelligence]So, America is a failed state?
I'm not sure I really care who "wins" or "loses." I don't think any big thing will come out of this, who ever wins the case.
if interplay wins we most probably will not see a Fallout 4 or 5 which might be likely just a "Oblivion 2 with guns" ...
So either way Fallout will be dead? (Although, it could be argued that it's been dead, after VB got cancelled.)

Perhaps Fallout will fall into more capable hands? I won't hold my breath.

I'm sure Bethesda will win and things will continue the way its been.
if interplay wins, Beth keeps rights for FO 3, 4, 5 unless the judge nullifies the contract except for FO 3

if beth wins, iply will probably end up losing everything.
If this even gets to court and it looks like it could go Interplay's way, Zenimax would just end up paying more for Fallout's rights. Zenimax had too much invested in the IP now to allow it to go away. Interplay might get royalties on future Fallout titles for example.
I read the actual court filing and I have to say that, if true, Interplay might actually win at least the part concering the rights to publish the original Fallouts.
Rufus Luccarelli said:
So either way Fallout will be dead? (Although, it could be argued that it's been dead, after VB got cancelled.)

Perhaps Fallout will fall into more capable hands? I won't hold my breath.

Even if you imagine the unthinkable (i.e., Bethesda loses the rights to produce additional new Fallout games), Fallout would indeed continue to be dead. The reason? Anyone, including Interplay, who might acquire the rights would certainly not turn their backs on the financial success of Fallout 3. It makes no sense at this point for anyone to create a new Fallout game that does not build on the success of Fallout 3.

Meaning, any new Fallout game made by anyone will be emulating the things you hate about Fallout 3.
