Interplay Website launched, hires Chris Taylor

Oh crap... more "to me Fallout is..."

Look, it's objectively a reality that TB WAS a part of the core design philosophy. It's there to emulate pen and paper RPGs, encourage more tactical thinking (yes, the AI didn't help much, and no, bringing that up is not a valid argument) and as a secondary concern, was put in to go against the grain of the time, which was twitch-fest mania.

Making an appeal to opinion is nice and all, but when it's been documented, it's sort of a moot point.
Moving Target said:
Oh crap... more "to me Fallout is..."

Look, it's objectively a reality that TB WAS a part of the core design philosophy. It's there to emulate pen and paper RPGs, encourage more tactical thinking (yes, the AI didn't help much, and no, bringing that up is not a valid argument) and as a secondary concern, was put in to go against the grain of the time, which was twitch-fest mania.

Making an appeal to opinion is nice and all, but when it's been documented, it's sort of a moot point.
Pen and Paper only use turn based because there's no better system for P&P. Which isn't to say it's the best, it's the least bad.
Fallout still used turn-based to emulate PnP gameplay experiences. Whether it's only one of several options, or whether it's just the best possible at this point, is irrelevant. It was chosen for Fallout, and other non-spinoff games in the same series should not deviate from it, as it was a *core element* of design philosophy.
Moving Target said:
It was chosen for Fallout, and other non-spinoff games in the same series should not deviate from it, as it was a *core element* of design philosophy.
Opinion at best. I think if they want to keep making the game sell, they have to change the formula somewhat. This is a valid way to change it, especially given how much the game relies on guns. One might even say that it was inevitable.
'eard it before. And it's been disproven before. And it's not opinion, there are interviews with the developers who had control over such things as consistency with the mechanics before Interplay started fiddling with things unnecessarily- such as with Tactics' TB/RT hybrid.
IMHO: I doubt that FOOL is gonna be turn-based, to my sadness. IF they used Van Buren's real time system, they could make a good Fallout game with realtime combat.
mandrake776 said:
No, it's opinion. That they shouldn't change it is *opinion*.
No, it's not. Arguing that changing the fundamental gameplay of a game isn't changing the very nature of the game is just plain foolish. A spin-off can change the nature of the gameplay, sure, as Tictacs and PoS did. You can also see just how beloved those games are.

The fact is, as far as the franchise goes, there are only two currently released actual non-spinoff Fallout games: Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Both were turn-based. There's a nice article on this very site that contains interviews with the actual developers who made up this whole Fallout thing in the first place. It quite plainly spells out why the turn-based combat and isometric camera were chosen, and why they're actually quite essential to the goal of the whole thing: emulating P&P, specifically GURPS (which, unfortunately, had to be tossed due to licensing issues). The Fallout setting was 100% secondary to that, and in fact only came about because the original idea involving time travel didn't seem feasible to the developers at the time.

Love the setting and whatever all you want, but Fallout is a game. The gameplay matters. If you just want a setting and a story, go read a book.
Kyuu said:
No, it's not. Arguing that changing the fundamental gameplay of a game isn't changing the very nature of the game is just plain foolish. A spin-off can change the nature of the gameplay, sure, as Tictacs and PoS did. You can also see just how beloved those games are.

It quite plainly spells out why the turn-based combat and isometric camera were chosen, and why they're actually quite essential to the goal of the whole thing: emulating P&P, specifically GURPS (which, unfortunately, had to be tossed due to licensing issues). The Fallout setting was 100% secondary to that, and in fact only came about because the original idea involving time travel didn't seem feasible to the developers at the time.
They never should have tossed GURPS. It's fundamental.
Oh come on now, don't go all Sorrow on us. GURPS was lost before Fallout was even a cRPG, so it wasn't integral to Fallout as it eventually became. All the stuff that Kyuu mentioned was, and dismissing it with an attempted jab doesn't make it less true.
Moving Target said:
Oh come on now, don't go all Sorrow on us. GURPS was lost before Fallout was even a cRPG, so it wasn't integral to Fallout as it eventually became. All the stuff that Kyuu mentioned was, and dismissing it with an attempted jab doesn't make it less true.
The point is, it was designed based around GURPS. Changing that didn't make Fallout 1 bad, and changing from turn based doesn't make Fallout 3 bad. You might prefer it to be a turn based game, but that's just your opinion. I like it better as it is.
mandrake776 said:
The point is, it was designed based around GURPS. Changing that didn't make Fallout 1 bad...
You're seriously equating the move from GURPS to SPECIAL with the move from TB/ISO to real-time/FPP?
You might prefer it to be a turn based game, but that's just your opinion. I like it better as it is.
Yes, preference is opinion. But trying to have an actual discussion based upon "well I like this better so nyah" is sort of ridiculous. Obviously an argument like that will never go anywhere. The whole point for any rational person should be to address an actual, tangible point of deliberation, such as whether turn-based combat and/or an isometric was a deliberate design decision that actually contributed to making Fallout Fallout, and whether moving from that makes a large impact on the game. Or possibly whether it's valid for a person who enjoyed Fallout's gameplay to expect that a sequel should appeal to them.

Then again, I guess the answer to both those questions doesn't require much deliberation.
FeelTheRads said:
Weak joke attempt. Tactics is known as Tictacs or as Craptics around here.
Yes, those are much better attempts at humor.

No, it just makes it less Fallout. Quite simple, really.
Actually, it changes what Fallout is.

You're seriously equating the move from GURPS to SPECIAL with the move from TB/ISO to real-time/FPP?
It's an analogy. It doesn't have to be exact.
FeelTheRads said:
Actually, it changes what Fallout is.

I'm glad we agree. Then why call it Fallout?
You're misunderstanding me. It changes what Fallout is. Real time FPS RPG is now what Fallout is. Just like RE4 redefined RE, so does Fallout 3 redefine Fallout. A whole main series game sooner, too.
What Fallout is is not subject to the whims of the masses. It is what it is, how we see it is irrelevant.

And it is what its creators made it. Fallout is Fallout. Fallout 2's a sequel, all the rest are spinoffs. Fallout never changes.
mandrake776 said:
It's cute how you think turn based makes it better, or at this point has any chance of happening again.

What makes you think I think either one of those things?

Turn based doesn't make the franchise better, turn based is what it is. It is part of the franchise core concept. "Better" indicates a relative scale that is not present here, we only have a yes/no dichotomy.

mandrake776 said:
Pen and Paper only use turn based because there's no better system for P&P.

Man you're just here to rehash chewed out subjects or what?

You're skipping a logical point here: Fallout is not emulating pen and paper combat in the sense that it has the same goals as pen and paper combat (i.e. emulating reality), but in that it emulates the original experience.

mandrake776 said:
Opinion at best.

No. Fact.

mandrake776 said:
That they shouldn't change it is *opinion*.

In an extreme postmodernist sense, sure. But who in the world does not agree with the adage that a sequel should be true to both the gameplay core concept and setting of its predecessor?

mandrake776 said:
They never should have tossed GURPS. It's fundamental.

It was never a choice. Ideally the game would have used GURPS.

mandrake776 said:
It changes what Fallout is.

Really, the original magically becomes real-time? No?

What you're trying to say - I think - is that Bethesda's take on the franchise will be what the franchise is for now. And that's true. Bethesda's Fallout franchise is a FP/RT franchise. That changes absolutely nothing about the heritage of the original or what the franchise should be.

You seem to think these pragmatic arguments are going to saw anyone here. That is odd. We're way too Quixotic for that. The word belongs to Cervantes: Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.

You honestly think what the franchise was originally intended to be will change simply because Bethesda threw millions of dollars at it? That TB is not simply an alternative and valid combat mode simply because the media all say it is dead?

Are those things true? Yes, but in what sense? They're simply assertions of what is happening now, they're not statements of intent, will or even opinion. In that sense, they are meaningless. It's like Ford's "the customer can have any color as long as it is black" - that is a statement of reality, not either how things should be nor of how customers should react. Only in this example, rather than adding colours eventually Ford would just have kept rolling out black cars while shouting "it is what it is!" Do you see how meaningless that is? Ford's assertion that all cars are black is not an argument that proves anything, it's a statement of fact.

Also, if you keep dismissing points people make in these snide one-liner manners I'm just going to assume you're a troll and ban you. Sorry pre-emptively. Unless you shape up
I happen to be one of those who prefer turn-based combat in the Fallout universe. even Tactics I played in 99% turn-based mode.

however, while tb combat is definitely a core feature of the first two games, I don't think it's a very good argument to say it's a core element of the entire franchise. first of all, like some guy said earlier, when Fallout 3 is released half the games in the franchise won't have tb combat. call them spin-offs or whatever, they're still part of the franchise.

franchises do change. the key element in every single franchise is setting.
aenemic said:
franchises do change. the key element in every single franchise is setting.

Really? So if GTA VI is set in Liberty City but has become a platform jumping game, you think everyone would embrace it as still the same franchise? If Warcraft IV is a first-person shooter where magic lightning bolts serve as guns, everyone would just go "oh well, it's still the same setting"?

Get real.