Interplay Website launched, hires Chris Taylor

Really? So if GTA VI is set in Liberty City but has become a platform jumping game, you think everyone would embrace it as still the same franchise?

Well, don't want to be nitpicky, but a spin-off is the same franchise, just different series. WoW is part of the Warcraft franchise, but not part of the Warcraft series.
Brother None said:
aenemic said:
franchises do change. the key element in every single franchise is setting.

Really? So if GTA VI is set in Liberty City but has become a platform jumping game, you think everyone would embrace it as still the same franchise? If Warcraft IV is a first-person shooter where magic lightning bolts serve as guns, everyone would just go "oh well, it's still the same setting"?

Get real.

um, yes. pretty much.

take a much bigger franchise for example... how about Marvel comics? all their different superheroes have appeared in countless different forms, but all of it still belongs to the one and same franchise.

that's not to say it's always for the best, but that's at least my perception of a franchise.
aenemic said:
um, yes. pretty much.

If you want to be taken seriously, you do not want to pretend there wouldn't be any backlash to Warcraft IV being an FPS.

Seriously, dude, think for a minute.

aenemic said:
take a much bigger franchise for example... how about Marvel comics? all their different superheroes have appeared in countless different forms, but all of it still belongs to the one and same franchise.

That's not even remotely the same type of "franchise".

Game franchises that changed and thrived/were well received initially are the minority. The ones that succeed are usually those that make changes to mechanics in order to better support the core gameplay concept (GTA) or those where the franchise staple is reinvention (Final Fantasy), but generally if you actually abandon the core concept than normally the perception is that you messed up, and the game often fails (X-Com).

Bethesda got away with it because of loads of money and because most people understand that "RPG" is an umbrella term genre and TES and Fallout are wildly different types of RPGs.
Brother None said:
aenemic said:
um, yes. pretty much.

If you want to be taken seriously, you do not want to pretend there wouldn't be any backlash to Warcraft IV being an FPS.

Seriously, dude, think for a minute.

way to miss my point. did I ever say that a Warcraft FPS would be an acceptable addition to the Warcraft franchise? no. that doesn't mean it would be part of the franchise if they made it.

read your pal Ausir's post above. he made the same point as me. maybe you take him more seriously.

speaking of which... if you want to be taken seriously yourself, then don't take every opportunity to put down people with different opinions than you.

Brother None said:
aenemic said:
take a much bigger franchise for example... how about Marvel comics? all their different superheroes have appeared in countless different forms, but all of it still belongs to the one and same franchise.

That's not even remotely the same type of "franchise".

Game franchises that changed and thrived/were well received initially are the minority. The ones that succeed are usually those that make changes to mechanics in order to better support the core gameplay concept (GTA) or those where the franchise staple is reinvention (Final Fantasy), but generally if you actually abandon the core concept than normally the perception is that you messed up, and the game often fails (X-Com).

Bethesda got away with it because of loads of money and because most people understand that "RPG" is an umbrella term genre and TES and Fallout are wildly different types of RPGs.

what does it matter what kind of franchise it is?
aenemic said:
way to miss my point. did I ever say that a Warcraft FPS would be an acceptable addition to the Warcraft franchise? no. that doesn't mean it would be part of the franchise if they made it.

I think we might be talking past one another: I thought your "franchises do change" indicated sequels do not need to have gameplay consistency. I disagree with that. Spin-offs not needing gameplay consistency is a point I make myself often.
oh sorry, I meant sexual partner ;)

on topic - yes, I think we agree there BN.
mandrake776 said:
Pen and Paper only use turn based because there's no better system for P&P. Which isn't to say it's the best, it's the least bad.

Ok I just read this and did a fucking double take because WOW! What The Fuck!

Dude where the hell did this come from?
TheGM said:
Ok I just read this and did a fucking double take because WOW! What The Fuck!

Dude where the hell did this come from?
Well, what are the other options for P&P roleplaying? LARP? Ideally you would have people acting and reacting real-time to prevent metagaming, and to encourage ingenuity.
mandrake776 said:
Ideally you would have people acting and reacting real-time to prevent metagaming, and to encourage ingenuity.

This really needs explaining, I think.
mandrake776 said:
Please clarify. What part of it needs explanation?

Yes, pretty much all of it. As written, it's a bit like saying "the reason for tossing out the engine and painting your car yellow is to make it go faster and scare away the badgers". One could imagine that there's some underlying reasoning and/or difference in definitions, but it's better not to make assumptions.
In an ideal situation for roleplaying, you would be able to have everyone saying their actions real time and therefore have less time to use information from outside game or talk to people about tactics in a way that should be impossible in the middle of a fight. That's what I think, anyway.
And less time to consider what would be in character and what wouldn't be. Not to mention the people with characters smarter/with better reflexes than them...
mandrake776 said:
In an ideal situation for roleplaying, you would be able to have everyone saying their actions real time

When are people ever not "saying their actions real time"? If you actually mean they should all be speaking at the same time (assuming their characters all had opportunity to initiate an action at that time, which they might or might not have any way of knowing, and the GM would probably have to inform them while valuable "real time" was slipping away), it would not have the benefits you said. Putting a stop to people discussing tactics in mid-fight is an unrelated matter, and you don't get an increase in ingenuity by decreasing the players' ability to make rational decisions based on knowledge which would be available to their characters in real time, but which could never be available to them in real time.

I should perhaps say that I didn't respond to your post because of anything related to Fallout 3. I am in fact much more interested in discussing tabletop RPG mechanics and practices than discussing Fallout 3. It is a bit off topic, though.
Arash said:
hmm i wonder if they are making a fallout MMO :D...

what factions will they make for it?...

Hopefully none.

Then it wouldn't be a true Fallout game.