Interplay Website launched, hires Chris Taylor

DoktorVivi said:
For those worried about an overpopulated wasteland, they can easily place a population limit on each server.

Yeah, and what if people from fallout fansites could gather together on one of such servers? It might work...
Perhaps a huge, huge vault filled with a million people opens its doors and they all spill into the wasteland...
Ah, come on. Not every MMO is designed like WoW.

It would be kinda cool if every player starts from a different Vault and has the vault number on his vault suit.
This is interesting, to say the least.

If the game is to be about dynamic world changes influenced by character decisions, set in the Fallout world with heavy emphasis on survival, where there's choice to build settlements by players for players, then it'll be the first MMORPG I'll ever try.

If the game is to be about grinding over 9000 Radscorpions for experience, raiding Radscorpion caves with parties of healmen, shootmen and meleemen, and finding at least 100 Radscorpion tails for 5 extra skill points, then it won't be the last MMORPG I'll diss.
Eve Online is also not that bad. Maybe a Fallout MMO from Interplay could jump up on the same train. I sure wouldn't play this too, because I hate to pay every month for a game... but it could be the kind of special idea.
scypior said:
DoktorVivi said:
For those worried about an overpopulated wasteland, they can easily place a population limit on each server.

Yeah, and what if people from fallout fansites could gather together on one of such servers? It might work...

OK, are you guys serious about those comments? This is not Ultima Online or WOW we're talking about here. This world has VERY few people in it, and to run into someone outside of one of the VERY few towns should be extremely rare to say the least.

Even if they put limits on the number of people per server, what are we talking about here? 10,000 or more per server? You won't be able to walk for 10 seconds without bumping into someone. How does this in any way resemble the fallout universe?

Not to mention it's going to be pretty hard to get into character and "Immerse" myself in the environment when there are 5000 12 year old kids running around acting like idiots and having inane conversations with each other. Need I go on?

And on top of all that, we get to pay a monthly fee for this travesty? Which I'm sure will be first person, real time since isometric, turn based is basically a non starter for an MMO.

Even if it were possible that this might get them a bunch of money so that they can build a proper fallout, i wouldn't mind so much. However that's impossible too, because Bethesda has the rights to the next 3 fallouts. We won't see anything for at least 15-20 years from interplay on a true fallout sequel anyway.

All in all, I am not excited about this development at all. Why should a company that turned their backs on us to make POS/BOS then turn around and say, "Hey guys, look. We're all better now. We hired back a couple of the old guys! See, we're all changed. Just forget about all that bad blood from the past, we'll be good now, i promise."

Garbage. Lies. Deceit. Interplay can rot in hell. It's not the Interplay i remember that created Wasteland, Fallout, etc. This is something totally new with the same old logo.

By Gamers for Gamers. What a joke.
The guild wars model would probably suit it "best".

only 8 people in an instanced mission, large groups of players can only gather in towns.

Would still suck though.
Reminds me of Hellgate: London. And you know, what happened with this game.
Wow (no pun intended), interesting news indeed. Hopefully Interplay will stay afloat again long enough to bring us a worthy successor to FO.

I'm not sure if I'm guessing right, but it seems this new Interplay might be making mostly casual games that sell better. The way the website looks, especially with a prominent COMING SOON ONLINE CHESS and T-REX RUMBLE seems like they only feature few prominent titles in between all the casual stuff. Might be a better business model for sustainable operations. Then again, I know nuts about business so you could forget all that I said.
I still feel that, regardless of the talent at the studio, it's the execs forcing them to develop a game in a genre that really doesn't suit it. Fallout's is a sparse world, yet the nature of an MMORPG is that you bump into someone every couple of seconds.

Unless they come up with a really clever workaround, I don't think this will work.
ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
Which I'm sure will be first person, real time since isometric, turn based is basically a non starter for an MMO.

Everyone keeps saying an iso TB MMO isn't possible. Did you guys ignore my previous post or something?

I know it's fantasy, kinda cutesy, almost anime-ish, and has its problems, but Dofus is quite successful for an ISO TB MMORPG!!!

So yeah, a Fallout TB ISO MMORPG could be successful. Interplay is most likely too stupid to realize it though.

How ironic it is that the French are the ones who made a risky MMO. :P
Apocalypse. said:
Perhaps a huge, huge vault filled with a million people opens its doors and they all spill into the wasteland...
Ah, come on. Not every MMO is designed like WoW.

It would be kinda cool if every player starts from a different Vault and has the vault number on his vault suit.

I think it'd bee better for the player to choose. Not everyone is from the Vault, would be cool to choose where the player was born outside the Vaults too!
That would be nice to see :) Not everyone to be a Vault Dweller.

Which I'm sure will be first person, real time since isometric, turn based is basically a non starter for an MMO.

Most of MMORPGs are third person not first person :?
I always hated the cameras used in Dungeon Siege and Neverwinter Nights. Hopefully they won't use one like either of those had. I couldn't stand those games...

Well, to be honest, I hated Dungeon Siege more because of the bad character development system. You use an axe the whole game, switch to a bow and.. mysteriously just turned your character into crap. Epic failure for an RPG.

I tried Guild Wars because it's the only MMO you don't have to pay to play. It showed me that, yes, MMO's really do suck.
shihonage said:
Ah, you're here. I'm afraid the waterchip you gave us wasn't enough.


We need 10 more waterchips. They're carried by the guerilla soldiers of Water Chip Village.


Water Chips found: 3/10

If they make the game like that, they'll get creamed by WOW period. What they need to do is create a new form MMO that will give players an experience rather than unlimited quests and dungeon crawls that make me YAAAAAAAAAAAWN.

Usually I wouldn't think it would be possible, but if they get enough guys from the original Fallout team on board then they might just be able to pull off something special.
ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
PaladinHeart said:
ExplodesLikeABloodSausage said:
Everyone keeps saying an iso TB MMO isn't possible. Did you guys ignore my previous post or something?

What I meant was that major developers these days don't even contemplate turn based, isometric as a possible setup for an MMORPG. I can almost guarantee Fallout MMO won't be.

I agree, can you imagine having walking into a city where a gunfight is going on, and having to wait an hour to move...These would all be done real-time IMO.
PaladinHeart said:
Screenshot of an actual turn based MMO.

Dofus is crap, but mainly because it is underwritten (possibly just in the English language version, I suppose), was badly infested by harvest bots, and is poorly balanced.

The combat works, but can be just as slow (and dull) as a fight with a cave full of rats with the slider set to plod...
The addition of CT to the team is exciting.

The addition of Taylor to the team is much more exciting than just having Anderson, because we're suddenly talking about a big ideas man...

Perhaps, just perhaps, they could choose to do something very different with the Fallout setting - maybe some kind of prequel set around the war or its immediate aftermath, perhaps a transplantation to a new locale. It would certainly circumvent the sparsity issue, the availability of tech issue, and the conflicts with canon.

Importantly, Taylor and Anderson have a love for the series, knowledge of lore, but a proven ability for innovation (in the dictionary-definition sense of the word) and imagination.