Interracial or Inter-Ethnic?

Interracial Relationships

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I voted yes, as Race does'nt matter that much, though I have'nt been insanley attracted to an african-american for a while for whatever reason.
See, the race doesn't matter as long as she got a nice ass. 8)
No, seriously, if you fell in love (I'm not talking about "being attracted" but really to fall in love) you don't care about anything, may it be race, religion or her shoes.
For a sexual relationship it is even less important, so what's the deal?
I have no problem and I would actually prefer inter/racial/cultural relationships...inter-religious however brings up some nasty subjects...

To say the least I only exist due to an inter-racial relationship. I'll let you figure out what that means.

Of all the married couples I've met that are family either from my Mother's or Father's side I have to say one of the most happily married couple's is one that just happens to be between a black man and a white woman. Nice.

As for inter-religious. I've never had any family that have married others of different religions though I've had a few that have converted then married someone of their new religion.

I myself wouldnt try it. I would probably be afraid that my spouse would try to convert me or that they would fear the same thing.

Also I dont approve of someone marrying someone else only after demanding they convert. That shows you love what someone can get for you and not that you love them.

The Vault Dweller
Jebus said:
Race has never mattered anything to me, I banged a black girl for a while - but she smelled funny

It can't hurt, I suppose. But my problem with the whole thing is that "race relations" exist in the first place. If I had an interracial relation, I couldn't help but think of it as interracial, and that makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

Not that it's going to stop me, but it's always been a bother.
I used to have a bit of the "Yellow Fever" for awhile, but I went out with this Korean girl (and I mean old school "Korean culture") for a couple of years and I won't go back there again. To many problems with families. Also, i find a lot of Asian chicks to be materialistic as hell.

Black chicks- hard- Either they are pretty hot or butt ugly. But there are so many hot black chicks at my school sometimes it's hard to walk a straight line. A tall, athletic, Amazon- yeah. There are some black chicks here that are incrediable.

That said, my wife is Brazilian (but we're not sure if she's got any African roots though most Brazilians do have some African ancestry).

Now when I was younger, it was rather amazing how my political views might change depending on the girl I was seeing and how hot she was, or what stage we were in the relationship.

For instance, let's see I meet this hot babe I want to nail, she's kind of latin, dark hair, great body, and she's going of on Che Quevera and Marx. That's time for a little ideological gymnastics. Spout some Marx and a little dialectic materialism, and next thing you know, you're in the sheets.

But let's say the relationship gets boring and you reallize that, as hot she might be in the bed, you can't really stand to be with her anymore. So the costs of sex becomes increasinly high so you can't stand it anymore. That's a good time to say, "You know, Che was a prick." And end the relationship over ideological differences.

Hell, I once went to the Assembly of God so I could hook up with this hot born-again chick.
(I wonder if there's a level in hell reserved for those who go to church to seduce the born-again).

But for me, if you want a long term relationship- it's not so much about the ideologies or the religions, but the chemistry and the sex matters. Intelligence should be mixed but in the right amount to charisma and personality.

Necessary ingrediant for me- (1) she's got to have a body that I don't get bored with, (2) She's got to have a wicked streak.

(1) is easy. She's got to be hot but in a way that you are going to be attracted to her physically for a long time.

(2) Wicked streak. I like the spice that a wicked streak causes. It's nice to have someone with a little evil in her nature. It's just more fun.

The wicked streak- the gleam in Angelina Jolie's eye. Got to have that.
I lived in Tokyo for a while and met my wife there (hottie!). I don't have any issues from a racial standpoint. But as far as different cultures go, there's pluses and minuses so it's kind of a wash there for me. Most of any frustration I have is no different than any other married person I know.
Well, I obviously don't agree with interracial breeding.

The gene plasm of every race is the collective property of the race as is the land that was conquered and the wealth they produced. What a race took is theirs by either conquest or by innovation. For example, nonwhites have no rights whatsoever to claim or to steal anything from us.

Without us civilization wouldn't exist. The white people spend more time and money preserving the environment then all the rest of the human species combined. We have contributed more effort into medical research, scientific progress, agriculture, and sanitation already then the rest of the human species could ever hope to do. We have banned cruelty to animals, created free governments and we alone have treated women with respect, even allowing them to vote and boss men around. This is something that no nonwhite society has ever done on its own.

Survival is its own justification.

All forms of racial treason degrade the quality of the white race. Therefore, one is just as evil as another. The idea that men may despoil the blood as they please and women are sluts if they do is flawed. All whites have the responsilbility to control themselves, even if they are just teenagers, so that the blood line may be maintained with as much purity as possible.

All whites that can have children should have as many as possible and of the highest quality possible. Numbers and excellence are the name of the game.

Our genes are the most important. They give us our competitive edge. Just as it would be wrong to cross breed lions with tigers and release them into the wild, it is wrong to mix Aryan blood with other genetic types. The white race isn't replacing itself and is only 11% of the world population and crashing fast. Our governments, bolsheviks, communists, one world globalists and most nonwhite people encourage this trend to occur. It is no accident.

The long term solution to this problem is to raise the white birth rate; create a separate white living space as defined under section 56 international law; regain control of the media from the jews, perverts, corporate race traitors and other criminals.

Section 56 states that every ethnic, racial and religious group should have the option of having their own nation-state.
Just ask yourself; is she statistically more prone to commit violent acts of crime than you are? If the answer is yes, she probably has African roots
Finally came around to my kind of semi-self depricating sense of humor, eh?
Kharn said:
I have.

Depends on how you define "dated", though. Relation or "sexual relations"?

Black women scare me. Too many pheremones.

I thought more about this while I was taking a crap today and got to thinking, maybe I was too narrow there. What I'm curious about is, when a guy sees a girl and he finds her attractive, a good 99 out of 100 times, she's of his own race. Why? While some of us here have had relations or sexual relations with people of a different race, it's likely a whole lot less than with one's own race. Is this something internally built into us as homosexuality may or may not be (no reason to say it is and spur a discussion on that)? Or is racial preference something that society creates in us?

And on the issue of trying to convert your spouse, you have to remember. A lot of people who are very active within their faith aren't trying to convert out of some cold desire to have their faith take over the world, it's because they truly believe they've found the way. Where it might seem unaccepting of a husband to try and force his wife into converting to his faith before marrying her, it's his way of showing her "the better way."
SimpleMinded said:
And on the issue of trying to convert your spouse, you have to remember. A lot of people who are very active within their faith aren't trying to convert out of some cold desire to have their faith take over the world, it's because they truly believe they've found the way. Where it might seem unaccepting of a husband to try and force his wife into converting to his faith before marrying her, it's his way of showing her "the better way."

If their faith is that important they'd probably find someone of the same religion...besides if the person asking for the conversion had the situation reversed...they'd probably refuse.

No offense of course.

The Vault Dweller
I don't get this interracial relationship stuff. It's never been an issue for me, or anyone I know. Admittedly, I've never been in a relationship with someone of a different culture or race, but this is probably because you can count the amount of relationships I've been in on one hand, and I also manage to make some strange cross-cultural faux pas whenever I try and start one. For instance, accidentally complimenting Russia in a conversation with a Lithuanian chick, who got really really offended for some reason (at least I think that's what she was, I was pissed at the time so I don't remember properly).

It's not that I have any particular preference for interracial relationships, I just don't care either way, as long as they're hot and share similar interests.

In absence of a "Only if they have good tits" option in this poll, I'll take "You bet".
An interesting point that SimpleMinded and Volkovs post got me thinking about is that while most of us would vote for the "If the T&A were A-OK" option if there were one, what if we find that only T&A of our respective race is A-OK. In other words, would you date a member of a different race only if they were spectacularly hot, but in the same time be willing to date members of the same race even if they are only somewhat hot?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
An interesting point that SimpleMinded and Volkovs post got me thinking about is that while most of us would vote for the "If the T&A were A-OK" option if there were one, what if we find that only T&A of our respective race is A-OK. In other words, would you date a member of a different race only if they were spectacularly hot, but in the same time be willing to date members of the same race even if they are only somewhat hot?

I really don't follow. As far as I'm concerned, hot is hot. I hate to sound like I'm trying to be ultra-PC, but I really can't distinguish between different races versions of hotness. It's either a yes or a no.

Incidentally, is it just me or are chicks who speak russian really really sexy? They're just so harsh sounding, I love it. I don't even think it's the language, just the accent. Is that weird?
What DDD was saying was that anybody is willing to date someone who is really hot from any race. However, people are only willing to really date people of mediocre status from their own race.

As for why that is, I think it has a lot to do with who people get to know. People tend to stick within their own race for the majority of their friends (at least, in the parts of America I've been to, black people tend to have a lot more black friends than white people and vice versa). Since a white person knows more white people, they'll get to know more white girls and have better chances of meeting a girl with a nice personality but only a decent appearance that way. So they'd be more likely to date mediocre white girls than mediocre black girls since the only black girls he would ever talk to would be the amazons.

Okay, that got messy, but then the next direction. Why do blacks have more black friends than white people do?
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks of amazons in their mythical sense? You guys keep saying Amazon and all I'm thinking of is this hulkish, masculine beast of a woman. You say Amazon and I'm thinking 6'2" of rage.
Bradylama said:
Excuse me, but am I the only one who thinks of amazons in their mythical sense? You guys keep saying Amazon and all I'm thinking of is this hulkish, masculine beast of a woman. You say Amazon and I'm thinking 6'2" of rage.

And the idea of getting it on with a 6 foor 2 inched, muscular chick with a ravenous and violent sexual appetite isn't hot?

As for why people generally mixing with each other- people self-select based, I think, on the politics of attraction rather than those of the market. We are more prone to associate with those that we are familiar with, who share our culture, who we can identify with based on our origins and personal history. In that sense, our self-selection is a consequence of norms and ideas, the limits of our perception. Those norms and ideas can be either your prison or the boundaries that you break in order to develop a wider worldview.

As for issue of racial purity- poop, but no- not worth a ban. People have been arguing for genetic purity for ages and might be doing so today- especially if the dominant classes can use cloning and genetic breeding to sustain their domination over the rest of us.

But for a more detailed conversation on the stupidity of seperating society and ethnicities by mere racial composition and ignoring the pathways of history- see - GhostwhoTalks makes some very powerful statements.

And yes Kharn, my wife is a violent women.

Honestly, most of the girls I have dated have either come from different countries, different ethnities or different ideologies. I had thought that perhaps this was because dating was a way of not only biologically and emotionally good, but intellectually you can learn a lot about a different people and society by sleeping with them.