Interracial or Inter-Ethnic?

Interracial Relationships

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Wooz said:
Someone likes to be the bitch in the relationship. :D


No not quite, but this can cause problems.

For example, you're having sex with a girl and she wants to be spanked- well ok. Spank too hard and the girl will get pissed, not hard enough and she'll wonder what you're doing.

But let's say you're on top of her and she begins to scratch your back, pull on your hair, hits you with her fists, etc. Not much chance she's going to hurt you.

But when you're over 6 feet tall and you are in excess of 200 pounds, if the girl wants violent sex as a guy you've got to be careful least you put the girl into the hospital.

When I was in Singapore I dated a girl who was into violence. One night we got so violent that the bruises lasted for about a week.

There have been many episodes of violent sex that ended much to violently. Girls often realize how much damage they are doing, but guys should at least be aware of how much damage they could do. What's funny is that so many girls are in denial of their ability to be violent or that they have a violent nature.

That said, yes, I like to know that the person I am with is capable of violence. It makes things a bit spicy.
Did I ever tell you guys about when I was fucking an asian stripper?
Kharn said:
Wrong. 99 out of a 100 times the girl will be from a race/races the guy prefers, and often that race will be or those races will include his own.

I stare at hot Hindustani or Maroccans with as great or greater pleasure as with whities.

Why is there preference at all? Why are there certain races that people won't stare at? How come you'll stare at Maroccans as much as whites but not nigerians? Is this the same idea of liking blondes over brunettes? Would that be a form of racism then when it's liking Hindustani's over blacks?
I think quality (be it beauty, brains, virtue whatever you look for) is way more important than race.

I mean, Pecan Pie is my favorite, but if given the choice between a mediocre Pecan Pie and really good Key Lime Pie, I'm taking the Key Lime.
Yellow Fever is pretty wicked and I am not sure where it comes from. At one point I was accused of Yellow Fever because I had dated a Korean or a Singaporean girl- the argument was that these women were more docile and submissive. But there was little that was submissive about these girls. That might have been the attraction- that they were not typical of their culture.

I am not sure why a person prefers one type of bone structure to another- perhaps its culturally shaped. Not so long ago, fat chicks were hot- now they are not. Even go back about 50 years, and slender was called scrawny.

A friend of mine has a sister who worked in the Peace Corps in Uruguay or Paraguay (not sure which). This is a very attractive young woman, blond curly hair, great body, smart and fun. Yet she had no luck with the local cowboys who's idea of hot was a 14 year old girl. If you stop by the local hispanic/salsa night in my town- the local latin migrants tend to hook up with overweight middle aged women looking for a good time (though I am not sure if that's a matter of supply and demand).

Some cultures like bikinis, others like burkas, others like lip disks. Go figure- perhaps our cultures do choose our preferences.

I think men are basically programmed to scope out hotties because we are programmed to spread our seed as widely as possible. Preferences that are limited because of a racial agenda just isn't natural but is a learned behavior or, if not that, a constraint shaped by one's choice of society.

As for hitting on a hot Nigerian. Well, I have had deeply lustful thoughts for Egyptians, Ethiopians, Tanzanians, Nigerians, Malaysians, Thais, Japanese, Koreans, Bangledeshis, Sikhs, Pakis, Iranians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Croats, Latinas, Cubans..... But what is hot and what is not between say a Nigerian or a Sri Lankan- don't know.
Mmmm all this talk has gotten me interested in male female interactions a lot more. The variety in preferences based on culture that you brought up makes me curious just how much of what we like is based on what we're SUPPOSED to like.

Mmmm and people say they're not followers ;-).
I strongly believe that having preferences that depend on race don't make you a racist, as someone stated here.
And anyway, people will always look for someone from their kind (skin color etc.), so if you begin to label everything like 'racist', the list of "racist" stuff is quite endless.
Silencer said:

Need I say anything?

Maybe you should. I don't find thumbnails all that expressive and I can't seem to find the full-sized version.

Of course, PERSONALITY is most important.

No, no it definitely isn't. It is, for relationships, but not for sex. It also is for relationships mostly based on sex, but not for the actual sex itself. Unlike you count sexual preferences as personality.

It may sound misogynistic, but sexual attraction has very little to do with personality. Of course the personality can become a turn-off (or turn-on) once you get to know it, but that's where it slowly becomes an actual relationship.

Unless we're discussing romance here, where obviously personality is one of the single most dominating factors (especially as the make-or-break of long term relationships).

That said, I've felt sexually attracted to women of various races so far, but I mostly prefer "whities". It's more about the physical (and especially facial) traits for me, though.
There is this really hot black chick working at my office, and she's got these big black breasts with nipples that almost pierce through her shirt and a great arse and really nice feet, and every time I see her, I start fantasizing about muff diving her and pounding her behind, so every now and then, when I don't have any work to do and my mind gets really dirty, I run off to the bathroom and jerk off, but like really really really hard, until I cum and spraypaint the walls, and then I hurry back to my desk and I'm happy for the rest of the day.

My collegue is hot as well. She's 32, she's from Libanon and she looks like a dominatrix. At night, when I'm fucking my girlfriend, I usually imagine having sex with my collegue, although my girlfriend doesn't let me do the things that I would like to do with my collegue, like deepthroating and arse-to-mouth. Which kinda sorta spoils the fun.
Ashmo said:
No, no it definitely isn't.

I beg to differ.

Girls that have shallow and boring personalities are the lousiest in bed, as they don't dare to do anything; their shyness, mediocrity and boredomness permeates absolutely everything they do in bed.

Been there, done that, got the yawns.
Kharn said:
alec said:
and really nice feet


What? :look:

So I have this thing with women's feet, so what? Is that so weird? Is it really that weird to want to suck a woman's toes while having sex with her? :look:

Like no one else around here has a foot fetish, eh? Yeah, right... :look:

Pfff... :roll:

Okay, okay, so I'm a little weird, at least I have the guts to admit it, jeez... :(
According to Wikipedia it's one of the most common fetishes. As long as you don't stalk women and cut their feet off and store them in drawers in your basement, that's perfectly within the margin of normal human behaviour.

Not like I know anyone who has drawers full of actual human bodyparts in their basement... :look:
No. A Fetish would be something outside the normal margin of human behavior. That's why they're called "fetishes" and not "healthy sexual manneurisms."
Bradylama said:
No. A Fetish would be something outside the normal margin of human behavior. That's why they're called "fetishes" and not "healthy sexual manneurisms."

It's a form of paraphilia.

"The boundary for social as well as sexual deviance is largely determined by cultural and historical context. As such, sexual orientations once considered paraphilias (e.g., homosexuality) are now regarded as variants of normal sexuality; so too, sexual behaviors currently considered normal (e.g., masturbation) were once culturally proscribed"

(Source: Psychiatric Times)

Paraphilias are deviations. That doesn't automatically make them unhealthy or particular abnormal.

Breast fetishism is so widespread and socially accepted it's considered perfectly normal, which is probably because female breasts are intended to look like asses, which in turn used to be the part of the partner hanging at your eye level when we all ran around naked on all fours.

Whether or not a fetish is interesting as a paraphilia in the psychological sense depends on whether it can interfere with normal sexual behaviour, i.e. vaginal (or, in the case of homosexual men, I guess, anal) intercourse.

As long as both partners like it (or at least, don't mind), it's perfectly harmless.

Now, if you can only get a hard-on if the girl sings the national anthem of Botsvana while you're on it, that's a fetish that definitely interferes with your sexuality. If you have no problem going without, but the girl singing the national anthem gives you an extra kick, that's fine.

That's the difference between "normal" paraphilic interests and "abnormal" serious conditions.