Um, I'm "Pop", short for "The Pop Stalinist", which was created in a fake band name generator. So that's my name.
I got into Fallout when I was about 7 years old (I'm 19) when I was quite a delinquent, and I stole one of those game demo CDs from a gamer mag in a grocery store. The Fallout demo was on it, and I must have played it 20 times in a week. So I got it for Christmas of '95 at 6 o'clock in the morning and went straight downstairs and played it till 8 at night. Been pretty dogged about my obsession with Fallout ever since. Even DMed some Fallout PnP (that really long complicated version) for awhile.
These days I'm somewhat of a gamer, an RPG lover, particularly of the odd not-quite-non-linear style that Black Isle exhuded so effortlessly. Love Obsidian (waiting on baited breath for NWN2), liked Troika. Fallout 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 are my favorite games of all time, they felt epic when I first played them, and I bully all my friends into playing them. They love Fallout, but BG is a tougher sell. Itching and itching for F3, and I'm afraid they'll mess it up. Oblivion (being the most logical thing to compare F3 to) was an amazing game, but it wasn't engaging the way Fallout was.
so... that was a long-winded introduction, but what the hell, eh? I don't know how much I'll be able to contribute, as Fallout news is slow going these days, but this seems like a decent enough forum.