Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Been scouting out this site for a few weeks, liked most of the stuff I saw (92% of time in the Files section) other then that brief history of stalking around as a "guest"
Hello to everyone.
Hello. I've lurked on this site for a very long time =P. Huge fallout fan.

Um, going to University right now for engineering/programming as a side hobby.
Been lurking on and off for years. Finally got a compatible email address.

Been playing FO since my cousin had it many years ago and have enjoyed all of them except POS.
Hi, my name is Michael, I am from Neckarsulm, a little town in southwest germany, near Stuttgart. I study civil enginiering in Karlsruhe.
I'm a big Fallout Fan scince i played Fallout 2.
And I appologize for my bad english. This is the first time for two years that i write a longer sentenc in english.
*Stands up*

Hi I am TheGM and I'm a alcoholic.....wait wrong place.

No really I have been hiding in the shadows for over a year now since I got my Patch from here. Thought it tis about time I signed up here.
Hi, I'm a sarcastic, ironic guy who really just likes to make fun of things and write about it.

I've followed the many debacles surrounding Fallout 3, NMA, and sometimes journalists over the past year or so and found it to be ridiculous, and quite frankly, funny.

Just registering because I'm playing through the Fallout games and I figured this would be a good place to discuses them.
Hey all! Just thought it would be nice to join after coming for FO2's patch since I've been following the forums for quite some time.

Just greet me and there won't be any trouble O:
See ya around (:
Pope Viper said:
Welcome aboard, guys, enjoy your stay.
Thanks. Hey, can I ask a question? I noticed many users havig those small icons with points in their sigs, like you do. What's with that?
That's representative of various awards/penalties given to Orderites, a group of scurvy driven dogs that are hosted on NMA.
I would like to greet and welcome everybody except for iopi.

I don't like you, iopi. I don't like the way you dress. I don't like the way you smell. I don't like the way you breathe.

And I especially don't like the way you are eyeing my biatch over here, Pope Viper. He's mine, you see. You can't have him. Keep yer mits off him, or there will be trouble. Got that, chum? Got that? Eh? EH?
Remember, Jebs, remember the size of something, and the reach in which it has...

Who's the bitch now, dawg?
Pope Viper said:
Who's the bitch now, dawg?

I've gone out on the steet, and asked THE PEOPLE. This is what they said:


Karin, mother of 3:Why, last time I heard, it was still Pope Viper


Blossom, daddy's little princess: Pope Viper is the bitch! Hihi I said a dirty word


Charlotte, Dutch: Gosh, everybody knows that! Pope Viper, of course!


Fred, Orderite: Pope Viper, of course! Oh, and VOTE JEBUS! VOTE JEBUS! VOTE JEEEEBUS!

So there you have it.