Hello all, Boyan here, 23, from Serbia.
Huge Fallout and also Fallout Tactics fan. Also done a lot replays of Jagged Alliance 2, Front Mission 3, Final Fantasy Tactics and Silent Storm and a lot of crazy hours of X-Com: Terrors from the deep, one of the greatest tactical strategy rpgs ever made.
Why doesnt someone make a remake of the X-Com games is beyond me. Also played the three new games, aftermath, aftershock and afterlight, they were ok, afterlight is, in fact, great but still not the same feeling.
Also i guess i feel the need to apologise to NMA guys because i always thought you were too whiny and didnt give bethesda a chance to show what they can do, maybe i was hoping they might make a decent F3.
After the abomination they showed recently, i was crushed, to say the least. Dont get me wrong, it might turn out to be a decent hybrid, fps/rpg or something but to put Fallout name on that game is blasphemy. They should have named the game Fallout: FPS adventures or some nonsense and leave number 3 for someone who will do it justice, but what can we do now...
And how retarded is that bloody mess...sweet mother of god, you crit him in the head and his arms and legs.....explode....need i realy comment...
uhmmmm, so this was suposed to be an introduction thread, huh