I bought my first computer in 1997 and can only imagine the rig I would have now, if I spent the same amount on a new one , as I did the first one!

Unbeknowst to my then girlfriend, I bought it for 2 reasons.......internet and Gaming. I've been a gamer ever since my parents bought me Pong for the tv........it was the only game it played! As the years went by I would visit arcades, mastering Missile Command and Stargate (Defender) and became so good at the 2 that I could play for hours, on 1 quarter. Then it was on to early console's, ColecoVision and the Sega Genesis, which were decent for their time.
At some point, when computers were first coming into homes, I started noticing the games for pc's were far superior to what I had been playing and bought a pc. The first game I bought for my new pc was called Flashback, a side scroller and now classic, which has been updated recently, by the original Devs.
Not long after, I noticed this new game on the store shelves, called Fallout. The cover was cool as hell, the story sounded great and an RPG to boot. I bought it and could not tear myself away from it and was sucked into pc gaming for life. I have a PS3 and 3 games for it , I've barely played and over the years have amassed 100's of pc game's, rpg's being my favorite genre.
Anyway's at the time, I had to know more about Fallout, and started searching and came across this site called "No Mutant's Allowed". What a great name.
Anyway's to make long story short, over the years, I've come to this site for info on the Fallout Universe......the good times, when Black Isle was talking Fallout 3, to bad, when Interplay closed the doors, to hopeful, when Bethesda bought the rights, sorry, never a big Elder Scrolls fan.
While Bethesda's version of Fallout was ok, it just didn't feel like Black Isle's version but, I did enjoy Obsidian's New Vegas.
Kickstarted Wasteland 2 and can't wait until it's release, next month, though I do enjoy the Lone Wolf RPG, compared to the party based RPG.
Here's hoping Obsidian and Inxile can resurrect, imo, true cRPG's, with Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity and many more years, visiting NMA and getting all my Fallout info !