Hi, I'm Visajala, new here but have been Fallout fan for 5 years and will be forever, even if no next games are published. Fallout is really unique game, a world where you can just live, spending there hours and weeks. Never thought I could love anything "post-apocalyptic", as I find the whole theme completely repulsive and have no desire to read/watch/play anything like "The road" or "Metro-2033", not to mention the real life apoc (God forbid!), I'd kill myself at once. Fallout is an exclusion, maybe because it has a shade of a certain fabulousness, this world seems to be kinder, brighter, better than the real post-apoc might be. Where else can you see computers working without electricity, edible after 200 year food, clothes which make you stronger or smarter etc. etc. - its a fairytale! "Oblivion with guns" is the best description of Fallout3/NV and this indeed makes it the best game for me. TES-series are good, but too ancient and medieval, I prefer something more futuristic.
My first Fallout game was Fo3 and it's also my favorite game, not because New Vegas is worse - it's even better, but owing to my personal sympathies: Enclave (sideable due to mods), my dear President (just perfect!), my beloved August (though not agree with him), flock of ED-Es (coolest robots ever), lots of fantastic weapons and armors (shellproof or stealthy as you wish), interesting plot (I really think so), aliens (being an X-files fan appreciate it) and the world itself is very wide. What about Fo1 and 2 I cannot judge here, I haven't played this games, have only read the storyline and it is literally exciting.
Now I gave up gaming for a period of time, as I had procrastination issues and need to study and work hard now, no place for games in my schedule left. I'll return to Fallout games and modding after fixing things in my to-do list. This doesn't prevent joining fan-communities nevertheless. It's nice to see there are still many fans and community is alive!
I'm also a huge Harry Potter books and films fan

Someone may recognize Slytherin emblem on my avatar. I'm not Voldemort supporter, but I like Slytherin faculty. Enclave in Fallout acts in a very slytherinish way to my mind.
My nick "Visajala" means "poisoned water" in Sanskrit. Recently I took interest in the Hinduism and its philosophy and found in the dictionary a fallout-style name proper to the Enclave supporter.