Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello and welcome Mister Hype! To answer your questions...
There aren't any rules on image size, per se. Just try and be considerate when choosing an image. Don't have enormous images that make the margins go out of wack or anything, and be respectful of those with dial up modems, cause downloading big images multiple times is a pain and time consuming.
You can have an image in your sig at anytime, regardless of post count, and its the same with your avatar (which I like, by the way)
And it doesn't really matter if you have an image or not. I don't have one, and I'm the coolest there is. 8)
^Thanks. I read a thread about cross-posting and I read the FAQ to see what it is. But the FAQ didn't have the information I needed (It betrayed me! NO-oo :D). What is it?

How is it possible that I have all these questions, even though I've used many forums before? God knows....
MadHype said:
- Is there a limit to the size of the signature image?

No, but overly big or annoying sig images will be removed. Use your good judgement, as King said.

MadHype said:
- Do I need ** posts to have an image in my signature?


MadHype said:
-Am I "uncool" if I don't have an image in my signature? :D

You are a newb, and hence uncool by definition.

I kid. The answer is "no"

MadHype said:
- What is the Black List?

Banned people.

MadHype said:
- Who should I look out for? :D

You didn't answer my question about cross-posting. I really need to know what it is, so that I won't do it. :D
Cross-posting is posting stuff in the wrong forum. Read the sticky threads. Read the descriptions of the fora.

Another one should be: no gravediggin'. Gravediggin' meaning: posting in threads that are months old. It's annoying as hell, and viewing your posts it's all you've been up to.

If I were a mod...
MadHype said:
Do you mean I did something bad? WTF? :eek:
Yep, try only poting in the active threads, and that looney by the name of Blade Runner shopuld trouble you no more. :lol:
If you have something really vitally important to add to a thread, then it might be worth digging it up. Otherwise, please don't: it's annoying.
Big_T_UK said:
Yep, try only poting in the active threads, and that looney by the name of Blade Runner should trouble you no more. :lol:

*whacks Big_T_UK in the back of the head*

Now get on your knees and do what you were born for! :twisted:

And MadHype: maybe you should've invested some of those Charisma points into Intelligence instead. :P

Kotario said:
MadHype seems to have a thing for dragging up old threads, this is hardly the only one. Some kind of thread necrophilia I would guess.

Get it? Do you get it? Yeah? Get it? Get it, eh? Eh, get it? It's annoying! :evil:
Blade Runner said:
*whacks Big_T_UK in the back of the head*
No offense meant, but you're hardly the most ... stable person here.
MadHype said:
But this thread is a sticky, and it's made for introducing yourself
Yes, and there's no problem with you posting here, but there are a few other threads that you resurrected.
MadHype said:
- Who should I look out for? :D

Depends what you plan to do....

If you act like a N00b, pretty much all mods and Rosh.

If you like to bend over , everybody that has an orderite tag.
Take special notice, MadHype, that Rosh is in his own category; you'll learn why with any length of time here.

Err... yeah, if you can see through my humor, you'll understand the sentiment I share with Blade Runner and a few others around here. Just learn from your initial mistakes, ‘eh?
Blade Runner said:
Cross-posting is posting stuff in the wrong forum. Read the sticky threads.

We rarely see it here, but it also means posting the same thread in different forums - for example, posting a "How Do I Pimp Wife?" thread in both General Fallout and Fallout Gameplay & Tech.

And also, another warning to go with the rest:

Montez said:

You know, somebody had to step in and do something about this...

You're just not giving Rosh a chance! You keep on pushing him in the role of nOOb-killer, but maybe... that's not the way he wants to be! Maybe, just maybe, he's just a sweet ol' guy (or girl, who knows) who would actually like nothing more than to be loved and respected for all 'good' things, instead of being feared... Perhaps he is not a bully by heart, but a nice, caring man who wants nothing more than to have nOObs enjoying these forums like they should. Perhaps, he too would like a world were everybody is happy, loves eachother and gets along. Perhaps he's just a soft-hearted man, who almost cries out of sheer *!ontroering!* when he sees a puppy, who loves the smell of babies and helps little old ladies across the street...


But yet, you keep pushing him in the role of bad cop! It's easier to leave to dirty work to somebody else, eh? Isn't it? Eh?

Give the man a chance to show his gentle heart and caring spirit!
MadHype said:
But this thread is a sticky, and it's made for introducing yourself.

That's right. Some people here forgot this...

Postcount = Postcount +1 :roll:

Welcome MadHype. Just wander around the hot topics (don't dig ones from the last century) and you are going to be used to NMA and its "revolutionary" design with the "original" Marcus picture very quickly.