Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hmm, speaking of noobs and post-counts, who deserves more respect? The one with more posts, or the one who's been around longer?
There are exceptions, but I think a happy medium is best. Long time lurkers don't contribute much, so while they can say that they've been around for a long time they haven't really had any impact on the forum. High post count means that you're contributing a lot, but it doesn't neccesarily follow that the contributions are worth much. As I said, there are some exceptions, but I don't think anyone should be respected for one or the other.

If anyone wants to comment, feel free - if this subject gets a lot of replies I'll just split it, so don't worry about it.
I am to be the most respected one here!

Bow down to me!

Oh and my boy El too


Mohrg :twisted:
Of course there is a balance to what should bring respect. It is all in the mind of individuals, not based on how long people have been there or how many posts they have made, although these things would surely help. Good posts are remembered because they are well written, thought provoking or amusing. It is therefore quality and not quantity that would attract respect and the acknowledgement of the existence of the individual as opposed to one merely being another abstract entity among the millions of souls on the net.
The One Simple Rule: Respect everyone on the board who's not an asshat.

It's worked for me since the day I got here. (And don't let my postcount decieve you, sonny... I've got tenure here.)
Yeah... Yamu has been here on this boards longer than me..

If only he would POST more than once every three months.

As for respect and post-count goes... I'm of the mind that you should respect those who have posted mainly quality posts... also you should respect your elders... and in case you are older than me... you should respect me.
Elissar said:
As for respect and post-count goes... I'm of the mind that you should respect those who have posted mainly quality posts...

Meaning: show some respect for teh Blade Runner. 8)

Elissar said:
also you should respect your elders...

Again, Elissar is referring to teh old and wise Blade Runner. 8)

Elissar said:
and in case you are older than me... you should respect me.

You're the oldest one around, Elissar. Bow for teh Blade Runner. 8)

And, of course, teh Blade Runner welcomes all newcomers, young and old, male and female, dumb and smart, cute and ugly, straight and gay to teh wonderful world of eNeMA!

Exceptions: rodents and religious people. I can't stress that enough. :P

(Woohoo! See my postcount rise!)
I should take the time to write an automatic "Welcome!" post-bot for this thread someday...
Howdy all, names Cari... or you can call me Hazel or you can call me Roadrunner. Those are the names, if you fail a critical check to memory, you'll at least have the two other options.

Rama Stryfe brought here and well, hope to check out the magical world of Fallout. Role playing and gamesd abound, so hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.
Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of disney! err..NMA!! :D
please keep all hands inside the compartment at all times, no flash photography, and for the love of god, don't feed the animals :look:
Welcome to NMA. Enjoy your time here, and stay away from Ratty.... I cannot stress that enough...
Roadrunner said:
Rama Stryfe brought here and well, hope to check out the magical world of Fallout. Role playing and gamesd abound, so hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.

Vault 0, yesno?

Thanks. And yes, John, I am from vault 0 as well as from the late great Fallout Network which is closed. I cut my teeth on online role playing there.

I hope to stay for long.
Negadas said:
I wanted to come back to see how things are going.

Nothing changed. The same old crap about fallout 3 and Ineptplay. Welcome back anyway.

BTW: Your "Road warrior" avatar RULEZ !!!!

Yamu said:
The One Simple Rule: Respect everyone on the board who's not an asshat.

Ok grandpa. I'm going to follow your advice. How I can identify an asshat? Do they have any sign or symbol like the free masons?

Roadrunner said:
Role playing and gamesd abound, so hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.

That's the spirit !!! Visit this post to get more information about our types of iguana-on-a-stick.

FR33K said:
LOL Welcome. Though i've been here... what... 2 days? Oh well. whoopdy f*****g doo.

OMG. Another freak. At least you are not another Pipboy clone. :P

Good that all you giving my love a welcome... Or I'd be forced to get a can of whoop-ass on you all.

Thanks for coming Haze... Enjoy your stay.
Hello everybody! I have a couple of questions for starters, and I hope that someone answers them.

- Is there a limit to the size of the signature image?
- Do I need ** posts to have an image in my signature?
-Am I "uncool" if I don't have an image in my signature? :D
- What is the Black List?
- Who should I look out for? :D

^ That's a lot of questions, there mate. Just tell me everything that you think that I should know about. :)