Elissar said:As for respect and post-count goes... I'm of the mind that you should respect those who have posted mainly quality posts...
Elissar said:also you should respect your elders...
Elissar said:and in case you are older than me... you should respect me.
Yamu said:The One Simple Rule: Respect everyone on the board who's not an asshat.
Yamu said:It's worked for me since the day I got here. (And don't let my postcount decieve you, sonny... I've got tenure here.)
Roadrunner said:hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.
Roadrunner said:Rama Stryfe brought here and well, hope to check out the magical world of Fallout. Role playing and gamesd abound, so hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.
Negadas said:I wanted to come back to see how things are going.
Yamu said:The One Simple Rule: Respect everyone on the board who's not an asshat.
Roadrunner said:Role playing and gamesd abound, so hows about you gentle give a girl a NUka cola and maybe direct me to your nearest iguana on a stick stand.
FR33K said:LOL Welcome. Though i've been here... what... 2 days? Oh well. whoopdy f*****g doo.