Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hmm is that another forum? If yes then no. Im actually just a guy who has been goin to NMA a LONG time and i finally decided to fill out the member form.
Hi everyone!

I'm Eric and I've been an avid reader of NMA and these forums for a couple of years by now. NMA is actually one of the few sites I visit daily. This I do in order to stay updated on stuff related to Fallout (and particularly the long awaited successor to FO1&2) and it's community.

I got hooked on Fallout after playing FO1 in '98 and soon after I bought a copy of FO2. This led to countless hours in front of the computer and countless cups of coffee getting cold beside it. As I'm extremely lazy by nature, I didn't really bother to register at the forum. The announcement of FO3, however, seemed to be the perfect occation to do so, and I do not believe that I'll regret it. You guys might, but I will do my best to be a positive asset to NMA.

(Hmm... this sounded more like an introduction at an AA meeting, but what the heck)
I haven't been around since Black Isle was liquidated, but considering the recent news I had to come back.

Some of you might remember me. I didn't really make much of an impression though.
Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
Heheh im new, i just joined two days ago...or was it yesterday.

Hehehe. You are going to beat PipBoy2000 or something in a week. Welcome Phil and TheDiscipleJohn.

ericjones said:
I got hooked on Fallout after playing FO1 in '98 and soon after I bought a copy of FO2. This led to countless hours in front of the computer and countless cups of coffee getting cold beside it.

You are welcome EricJones. I used to have the same problem but now I'm clean. It's been two months since I stoped playing Fallout 2.

It's difficult but there is hope. You must live one day at a time.

There is no medical cure for this addiction. At the same time all available medical testimony indicates that Falloutism is a progressive illness, that it cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term, but that it can be arrested through total abstinence from Fallout 1 or Fallout 2.

1. A fallouter must admit to being powerless in the face of Francis.... err.... Frank. He needs help from the enclave soldiers or from the turrets.

2. A fallouter should came to believe that a Power greater than himself could restore he to sanity. B.I.S. !!!!

3. A fallouter should made a decision to turn his will and his live over to the care of the Overseer as we understood him.

4. A fallouter should made a searching and fearless moral inventory of himself. Including what is inside the car's truck.

5. A fallouter should admit to the overseer, to himself and to other forum mates the exact nature of his wrongs. Even if he reloaded.

6. A fallouter must be entirely ready to have the hubologists remove all these defects of character.

7. A fallouter should made a list of all persons he had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all, including the Master.

8. A fallouter should made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Forget about the Master. Helping him is a bad idea.

9. A fallouter must keep his personal inventory updated and when he is wrong he should promptly admit it.

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, The Fallouter should try to carry this message to every fallouter and to practice these principles in all his affairs until Fallout 3.
Welcome back Brady, i do believe you are beeing naive, but i might be wrong, who knows. Welcome Eric, love your avatar.
Hello everyone


I just thought I'd give a shout out to you all and introduce myself.

I've been involved in computer games for quite sometime, ever since running a 2400 baud BBS on my C64 in high school as a matter of fact. I've pretty much played every genre available but my favorite happens to be RPGs and the top of that list is the fallout series, followed by the old gold series D&D games (pool of radiance, eye of the beholder)

You name it, I've probably played it. Gaming, writing, and fishing are about my only hobbies.

Normally, I usually just pass the time reading the posts and not replying but with so few games out lately and alot of freetime on my hands, I figured I would step in and give my thoughts every now and then. Just biding time until next Feb when my wife gets back, then I'll probably slide back behind the monitor and maybe just jumo in every so often.

Anyway, thats me in a nutshell (or was it me as a nutcase... oh the semantics)

Talk to you all later.