Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

G'day all...

My name in Eric, live in Australia but was born in New Zealand... been in Oz for around twenty odd years but I'm lucky enough to have returned to NZ on a couple of occassions (work and a sisters wedding)

I earn a crust as a forklift mechanic with one of the largest Material Handling companies around.

Other than my beloved PC (*checks to make sure girlfriend isn't standing behind me*), which I built myself, overclock (XP2500 @ 2.1GHz btw standard HSF), mod, etc, I enjoy a bit of reading, usually Si-Fi (Asimov), keeping the house in one piece (renovating NEVER ends) and of course plenty of gaming.

Like many FPS but needless to say, the likes of Halflife have made me pretty fussy about those games I play. Also enjoy Abandonware and many of the older classics... I still play MOO, CIV, Colonization... the strategy games have a much longer life than the 'shooters' (Although I still remember Doom (and the TC AlienDoom) with fond memories)

And, of course, the Fallout series. I remember seeing the game in the store and passing it by... the genre of RPG on the PC seemed dominated by the fantasy/magical/orc/gobbin style of game which never was to my taste. I'd played StarFlight 1&2, Megatraveller on the Amiga but hadn't thought of such games on the PC, until Privateer (it's weird, I still spell 'Privateer' as 'Privater'.... ie, Privater.exe ah... the good old DOS days ;))

*lost in thought for a while*

Anyways, I ended up with FO2. I don't think I need to explain that I immediately feel in love with it. I later found FO1 for sale and snapped it up... but I never enjoyed it as much as I did FO2... I suppose I felt that the second game just added so much more, so much larger and deeper... and how I ever lived without the 'Take All' button, I'll never know ;)

I get FO2 out for a spin on a semi-regular basis... what has brought me back here again is this... I was tidying up and found a huge pile of paper... a walkthrough of FO2 (by Steve Metzler) and started reading and once again got dragged into the wonderous postnuclear world of Fallout.

It's a testiment to the brillance of the game, the sense of community and the NMA team, that we are still all here after all these years. God, I love being a gamer!

I hope to see you all around the forums! :)



Oh btw, Celestial, hurry up with 1.06, eh? :wink:
Uhh i guess i kinda started posting without introducing myself, how rude... Well, i'm a 20 y.o. guy from Brazil, currently living alone and away from the family, for college (Control and automation engineering, basically robotics n' stuff)...
Used to read NMA back when fallout was still kinda new, the internet was young and beatiful and there were no one cared about terrorism except Israelis. Probably registered more than once, posted on this thread and all, tough there's no way i'm searching through 40+ pages to find it...
After awhile i resumed my almost daily visits to the site when the rumours about Van buren started spreading, and went on another lurking spree, but since i didn't have anything positive to add i never posted. But when the Licensing deal was announced, i couldn't resist joining, because i seriosly hope we CAN make a difference.
Oh, and before this gets out through means beyond my control, i think Planescape is a better game then the fallouts (there, had to get that out of my chest)
And by the way, on wich mIRC server is *this* specific #fallout?
Hi, I'm part of the recent influx, though I've lurked these boards before. You guys are mean :wink:

Anyhow, keep up the good job providing us with Fallout related news and other entertainment.
I am reheated Dac scum. I am inspired to defend my favourite game against the evil corporate interests of the la-le-lu-le-lo.