Hello to everyone. I'm a young nerd from Finland.
I love Fallout 1&2, so that's mostly why I registered here and all.
I'm really interested in the future of Fallout3.
Really hope Bethesda makes it.
(i've read most of the long conversation you guys have had related to how Bethesda must listen the fanbase Fallout has and all.
(which in the end anyhow ended up being fights over what isometric means, and how turn-based battle beats real-time.
(and of course how turn-based differences from phase-based etc. etc.

Well anyhow.. I've played Fallout2 thru' a couple of times, and now I'm concentrating on Fallout1.
Very exciting to play it because I've never finished it. I feel lucky I found Fallout1 just a little time ago.(and don't question my logic

I play roguelikes very much. (mostly ADOM but I like NetHack too)
Also I compose "music". Done that a pretty long time now, still I think my music is pretty sucky, but some guys even like it! :p
I'm very sad I'm an addicted to elma. It takes most of my free time so my progressing in Fallout1 is very slow.
And yeah. I'm mostly a happy person. Thanks for those who read this far. I hope I'll be an active member of this forum. (I don't care if you don't.

) Tho' I have still lot to learn about this community and all..
Well. Thank you for your time.