Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Kotario said:
Hullo Volkov, perhaps some 'liquid persuasion' could help your friends.

I don't think it's worth wasting your booze with these people. You should speak softly and carry a big stick.

Mikey said:
Feel free to beat me till I bleed.

Ok weebl. Did you forgot what I did with Bob?

Jebus said:
Welcome, new 'uns!

And remember, don't feed the wild animals:

Bastard Operator
from Vault 13



Jebus, can I keep your whips & chains err... I mean your computer tool kit? :look:

Oh, welcome newcomers.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
We need more cryptodutchies.

Crypic? DUTCH?

Anyway, I'm safe. Rosh loves me.

Anyway, that's what he told me last night. He might also have been trying to get me into bed, though.
Jebus said:
Anyway, I'm safe. Rosh loves me.

Everybody love their own Bitc... :P

Hey Mikey, glad you made it.

Be carefull of the blood splatter, they are awefully slipery.
Hiya all.
Guess I should introduce myself a little. 8)

I'm a long time user and lurker of NMA, and thought it would be a good time to actually join the forum/community here, with the possible upcoming of FO3.

I hail from Denmark and am 27 years old by the way.
Hello hello, names matt

my mind went reeling when i saw fallout 1 on the shelves, i saw the words 'post-apocolyptic' and had to buy

since then ive been a fallout freak, got em all, and i cant wait for bethesda to actually put out a decent version of f3, i dont care if its crappy, ive been waiting since 01 for a new fallout to come out, and they better damn well do it

anyway, hello hello, new here, if ya see me around the wastes, tac a 7.62 at me
Melchoir said:
Welcome Pali!
German eh, I used to go to German lessons at school.
Was boring, quited!

Yeah, it's hard to learn. But hey, if you manage, you can write reeeeaaaally long-ass sentences.
Just remember, even Mark Twain had trouble with German, may his speech Die Schrecken Der Deutschen Sprache (The Horrors of the German Language) live forever.

Unfortunately, I only have a badly translated copy on hand (it was delivered in German):
Mark Twain said:
My frequent presence on the bridges has an entirely innocent ground. Yonder gives it the necessary space, yonder can one a noble long German sentence elaborate, the bridge-railing along, and his whole contents with one glance overlook. On the one end of the railing pasted I the first member of a separable verb and the final member cleave I to the other end--then spread the body of the sentence between it out! Usually are for my purposes the bridges of the city long enough; when I but Potzl's writings study will I ride out and use the glorious endless imperial bridge. But this is a calumny; Potzl writes the prettiest German. Perhaps not so pliable as the mine, but in many details much better.