Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

I know melchior already offerred the house's official greeting, but i'm gonna say my own welcomes to you all, autumn, Asxetos. Member of Khans, torpedo and mort (hell, there's so many norses here this is looking like a freaking saga).

Welcome to you too The_Vault_Dweller, but i have to ask you wtf was this:
The_Vault_Dweller said:
Thank God Bethesda bought the license...if they can make "Fallout 3" as immersive as "Elder Scrolls 3: Marrowind" then everything will be just dandy!
i really hope it's irony....
Well considering that he said that everything will be just dandy, i think we can safely say it is irony.
I'd like to extend a warm greeting to our newest member Briosafreak. Welcome Briosa, I hope you have many years of happy warm and fuzzy experiances here at NMA and at The Order.

Yeah, and welcome to all you other noobs as well.
Elissar said:
I'd like to extend a warm greeting to our newest member Briosafreak. Welcome Briosa, I hope you have many years of happy warm and fuzzy experiances here at NMA and at The Order.

Yeah, and welcome to all you other noobs as well.

Welcome autumn_memories, Mikey, Torpedo, The Vault Dweller (You carry a heavy burden being named after our holy father), Mort,
Member of Khans, docholyday, Asxetos.

Ops.... I just forgot you forgotten. Back from the dead?
welcome all...

..I'll just drop in and say "welcome all" now and then...saves me alot of thinking :P
I just wanted to say hey. I have been a member for a long time and have read the forums on and off since I registered but never made a formal introduction. So here it is.
Welcome Dixie Rebel! Hope you enjoy your time here at NMA. By the way, is that quote in your sig, the one with the past, present and future, from 1984 by any chance?
Oh and wipe your feet when you come in, we just got the noob blood out of the carpet a few days ago :roll:. Have fun!
Thank you all.

Thank you alec.

c0ldst33ltrs4u, yes, that picture is from the movie 1984. It is an awesome movie, in my opinion. The quote is from the beginning of the movie.

I wiped my feet but there seems to be new n00b blood on the carpet. I will try not to give anyone a reason to spill my blood on the carpet. :ok:
c0ldst33ltrs4u, yes, that picture is from the movie 1984. It is an awesome movie, in my opinion.
Great movie, awesome book! As for the blood.... it's there trust me :D; but as long as you behave no one will harm you..... for now Muhahaha...
Just kidding! You enjoy yourself you hear! After all we are all one big freak family! :roll: :P
c0ldst33ltrs4u said:
c0ldst33ltrs4u, yes, that picture is from the movie 1984. It is an awesome movie, in my opinion.
Great movie, awesome book! As for the blood.... it's there trust me :D; but as long as you behave no one will harm you..... for now Muhahaha...
Just kidding! You enjoy yourself you hear! After all we are all one big freak family! :roll: :P

I like that family mentality. lol

Hello to you back docholyday, my Dixie friend.