Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

I'll fetch the official NMA avatar ruler (tm) to make sure his avatar doesn't breach the 100x100 pixel limit.

btw, welcome N00bs
Wooz69 said:
Alex DeLarge wasn't a Fascist, sweetcheeks.

Alex was a tyrant. He commanded his three droogs and suffocated any resistance using his force. He created his own law and in the first part of the movie we see who he manipulated his friends in committing acts of ultraviolence. Later he was overthrown by his droogs and got into prison. The classical story of the dictator that had everything and looses all in the end.

Viddy well little brother, viddy well.

Macaco said:
E ai osama, seja bem vindo, nao liga pros gringos nao, teu avatar é supimpa.

Boto fé. Só que espero que vc reduza um pouco o avatar. Nesse caso a galera vai te encher.

alec said:
I still have this really awesome avatar depicting amazing events that occured on 9/11... :twisted:

Everyone has that pic wasteland warrior....
I think i should say hello as this IS the place to do it. I am Janeus, Sgt Janeus or J4n3u5 as i am known to some. i am known on various message boards (to name one, i am a nice person who can get violent with one seconds notice, so i wont flame you, you dont flame me. (^^)

Janeus said:
or J4n3u5 as i am known to some.

pseudo leetspeak wont make you popular here, some even blow a gasket over abbreviations like wth and btw... (the damn crazy fuckerz)

steer clear from Welsh :p

Janeus said:
i am a nice person who can get violent with one seconds notice, so i wont flame you, you dont flame me.

Janeus meet Roshambo

Roshambo meet Janeus

aaah, the beginning of a wonderful friendship
i realize that leet isn't tollerated here, i was meerly listing my names i am knowen by, Janeus being the most popular, j4n3u5 being an experimentation and sgt janeus is no longer used. thx for your welcome xD
*whacks Elissar upside the head with his crowbar-sized bottlecap-opener*

Don't say I didn't warn you...
Malkavian said:
*throws beers out the window*

why the fuck would one throw beer out the window, you son of a silly person!

(unless it's something like Heineken of course)

PS: welcome all