Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

this is my fault. I should have told a little of myself along time ago. I have been around some time now, maybe 1 or 1.5 yrs now. Im not sure actually. Anyway, im not the top ten on the posting hitlist here, but i come back almost everyday to watch. Yes im a watcher.

Im 31yrs old, originally from Sweden but I now live in Oslo. What do i do? I run a little firm and tries to do stuff like small useless games, websites, ads and magazines. Its fun, i give you that. How did i end up here? Well, i have always been very found of Wasteland and when i was a little bit older i found Fallout. It was and still is the best game i have ever played. Number two on that list is Elite.

So thats me.

Have a rally nice day!

teh hello thingie.

been looking at NMA for 4 months now,finally decided to make a profile,just wanted to follow the rules and do the alcoholics anonymous thing.
so hi. yeah.

i'm 22,just got out of the military,and i live in las vegas nevada.
first played fallout 5 years ago,and i took it with me overseas,thats how cool it is.and yeah i draw alot,so if anyone has any fo-ish art they need ill try to get my lazy ass up to do some stuff. k.

kill babies!
Hello Rebels ( Holy and dixie)

holyrebellion said:
great rebel of dixe... does that make me the great rebel of holy? =]

Hmmm your avatar.....You reminds me of a guy who was a pollack punk but now a fascist whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.

Big_T_UK said:
Vx said:
kill babies!
Welcome to NMA Vx, may I suggest you speak to TO's very own demonic clown Mohrg?
You two may be kindred spirits! :lol:

If he eats babies too they are kindred spirits. :P

Welcome Dixie_Rebel, holyrebellion, Mort Under, docholyday, Killa-Killa, FreshOil, Adz, LazyGnome, Smaug One, hominid_anarchist and Vx.
why u saying hello to a guy who has been saved by the witless protection program (aka B&!)?

seems kinda pointless to me :p
Gobias said:
originally from Sweden but I now live in Oslo.

Damn invaders :twisted: Give us some of your women instead! :lol:

Oh and welcome all, just remember to read the rules and do a little research before posting questions and such..
Eyemaster said:
Hmmm your avatar.....You reminds me of a guy who was a pollack punk but now a fascist whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.

Among other extremely stupid things he did, he took my avatar and drew what appears to be an "L" on it, then set it as his.

Welcome to all of you, I still can't understand why so many europeans in here.

And which of these is the witless protection program guy? i extend my welcome to him too, expecting him to learn from his past mistakes and live life anew.
I will fight Kharn!!!!!

O_S_A_M_A, I would like to say "hello" and " welcome" to you, but instead I'm just going to make some remarks:

First remark:
Your avatar is way too big. Netiquette demands of you that you resize it or suffer the consequences.

Second remark:
An avatar depicting Osama Bin Laden (in whatever outfit, pose or shape) will not make you cool or popular on these boards (and trust me on this one, 'cause I know). Netiquette again demands something of you: you need to change it!

Third remark:
This site is in English. Netiquette demands of you that you use that language to communicate with the other members. If you don't, you will have to suffer the consequences yet again.

Fourth remark:
You're someone else, aren't you? Netiquette forbids double accounts and imposters. You have been warned.

*whacks O_S_A_M_A in the back of the head with a hashpipe*

I will fight ANYONE from the AOF!




Wooz69 said:
Eyemaster said:
Hmmm your avatar.....You reminds me of a guy who was a pollack punk but now a fascist whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.

Among other extremely stupid things he did, he took my avatar and drew what appears to be an "L" on it, then set it as his.


I think he's referring to "A Clockwork Orange", mah dear.
Me thinks alec needs to hit the pipe again and chill out on attacking the n00bs.

Welcome O_S_A_M_A, I was wondering when you would wander over here from Asshats.
Ozrat said:
Me thinks alec needs to hit the pipe again and chill out on attacking the n00bs.

Well, me still thinks his avatar is way too big and thus impolite.
The rules apply to everyone, right? No exceptions, right?

If not, I still have this really awesome avatar depicting amazing events that occured on 9/11... :twisted: