Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Don't make me quote you.

Welcome various new people. Obey the rules, be nice to your mothers, and help little old ladies cross the street.
EEP, just remebered to search for a topic like this... Hello all. Im mostly here for some tech assitance, but I will leave that for the proper forum.
ARR! Welcome to me boards, matey! Since ye be a new crew member, swab me deck, landlubber!!

Mohrg :twisted:
Welcome Janeus. Like Suicide said avoid leetspeak.
Hello Cykke, Mr.Magnetichead, gdrad and Duckse.

Malkavian said:
*throws beers out the window*

def!! Someone threw something out the window over me and iamb all wet with that thing. Jesus it smells like urine!!!! Dammit I'm pissed. :evil:

SuAside said:
you son of a silly person!

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries !!! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!!!!

Mohrg6sic6 said:
ARR! Welcome to me boards, matey! Since ye be a new crew member, swab me deck, landlubber!!

What? Who is that pirate? Where is the crazy clown avatar? You killed Bozo, you bastard!

EyeMaster7 said:
What? Who is that pirate? Where is the crazy clown avatar? You killed Bozo, you bastard!

ARR! Today I be representing da only Pirate Clown ta sail these bloody seas!

Mohrg :twisted:
Wasn't bozo, but beano.

Welcome all, meet Jebus, the site's pet homosexual.

And Exibit B is Kahgan. He can type.
Greetings. Had to get a little help from Odin to register but everything appears to be working now. Glad there's a forum attached to the awesome site. :D - Colt
Hey all,

New to this forum. Used to be member of Interplay's old form(w/o password then), then Interplay's forum w/ password, Gamespy's Fallout forum, BOS forum and lastly Duck and Cover Index.

Amazing to find ppl are still playing the game today.