Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hey there. I was sort of a regular at DAC earlier in the year, but when I went there one day it just didn't exist anymore. I knew about NMA but never bothered to join the forums until now. Are the people here as bizarre as the people at DAC? I hope so.

The standard stuff applies to me; I don't like FOT much and POS not at all. I'm also not sure whether I like the idea of Bethesda doing FO3 but from what I've read on the NMA main site they're too sketchy about the whole thing for me to make any judgement yet. I couldn't really care less if the game was done in the same engine as the first two, really, as long as it's good and in canon.

Other shit... I like gaming in general and my favourite genres are military and flight sim. First-person shooters are also my favourites because I like to blow shit up.

Writing and literature is also fun, and animating in Flash is a pasttime of mine, although I haven't made anything worthwhile. I'm interested in the military too.

That's about it.
Thanks. There was probably some message there before it went down explaining the new address and everything, but sometime back then I got shitty with the internet and left it for a while, and when I came back DAC wasn't there.

I went and took a look just then and it's a strange and scary place to me now.
You are welcome Colt, BIshop, Marigold, Eiminkääntekijä, WormHunter, Oni and Matt. I used to have the same problem but now I'm clean. It's been two months since I stoped playing Fallout 2.

It's difficult but there is hope. You must live one day at a time.

There is no medical cure for this addiction. At the same time all available medical testimony indicates that Falloutism is a progressive illness, that it cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term, but that it can be arrested through total abstinence from Fallout 1 or Fallout 2.

1. A fallouter must admit to being powerless in the face of Francis.... err.... Frank. He needs help from the enclave soldiers or from the turrets.

2. A fallouter should came to believe that a Power greater than himself could restore he to sanity. Bethesda !!!!

3. A fallouter should made a decision to turn his will and his live over to the care of the Overseer as we understood him.

4. A fallouter should made a searching and fearless moral inventory of himself. Including what is inside your CLASSIC, GENUINE Chrysalis Motors Highwayman's truck.

5. A fallouter should admit to the overseer, to himself and to other forum mates the exact nature of his wrongs. Even if he reloaded.

6. A fallouter must be entirely ready to have the hubologists remove all these defects of character.

7. A fallouter should made a list of all persons he had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all, including the Master.

8. A fallouter should made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Forget about the Master. Helping him is a bad idea.

9. A fallouter must keep his personal inventory updated and when he is wrong he should promptly admit it.

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, The Fallouter should try to carry this message to every fallouter and to practice these principles in all his affairs until Fallout 3.
EyeMaster7 said:
1. A fallouter must admit to being powerless in the face of Frank H. He needs help from the enclave soldiers or from the turrets.


what kind of sissies are you ffs!

* Swa reloads Bozar and runs off laughing semi hysterically Dark_Reign_1_martyr-style *
Hey guys :)

Addicted to all things post-apocalyptic, since an ex introduced me to Fallout back in high school. I play both every few months, but definitely need something new to make me happy, but haven't found that game yet. Trying out one of those big mods on NMA, to pass some time.

I like rpg type games, not into just shooting things at all. Or fantasy type games. Or anything not just like Fallout. :P

Oh and I have no clue with anything computer-wise, like the things you guys all do, but I think it's very neat :)

I'm a mod on a huge HArry Potter forum, and we could use a movie like that. Imagine the madness of 11 year olds hyped up with HP obsession and the super-relevant/interesting/netspeak threads they plaster the server with. Good times.
Yummyjulie said:
I'm a mod on a huge HArry Potter forum, and we could use a movie like that. Imagine the madness of 11 year olds hyped up with HP obsession and the super-relevant/interesting/netspeak threads they plaster the server with. Good times.

Which one?
I would like to say hello and also tell all the new people something. You'll enjoy this place as I got here a month or so ago and have found there are a LOT of beyond quality members who have not only been here years, but form a group of about twenty people! Ive had active forums with half that many be glad this place is so lively and very thankful Fallout was there to make them that way.

The Vault Dweller

This forum is kind of strange, but in a good way. So many different types of people, with different views and interests. All with the same common string. You can't really find that anywhere else.
Mugglenet Interactive, or MNI. It's actually down at the moment, this jerkoff deleted half our forums trying to make us give him space on our server. I don't know what it is with these people, but we've gotten so many hacker attacks and threats, it's unreal. Some guy actually crashed the main server and threatened to do it again unless we paid him. We're still trying to restore everything. A lot of upset kiddies.

I haven't found another board since MNI I've been interested in hanging around, but everyone here seems pretty friendly :)
Yummyjulie said:
Mugglenet Interactive
Get outta here!

Wow. How do you feel about J.K. leaking stuff that's gonna be in Prince, and nobody believing her?