I appreciate the efforts SuAside but I've already tried the normal methods of execution. The fact that The_Vault_Dweller just posted again proves he can not be stopped by normal means. I believe he can only perish at the hands of Vault-Dweller, who is both older and wiser and has better taste in women.
I do not think there is any need for some elaborate competition between them. Instead I propose a simple duel to the death with rules set forth by those responsible for such things. Since Vault-Dweller could not possibly lose to The_Vault_Dweller no matter the circumstances, soon Victory shall be mine!
Well hello, I just hang around nma with the kamikaze nickname for obvious reasons but really go around with the name JaGuAr.I live in estonia and my interests are (usually) pissing people off, ruining forums and stealing other peoples signatures, also lying.Thanks for the attentione, don't shoot me.
Hehehe don't worry, i do these things on forums i honestly don't like and want to screw up, i like fallout and the place looks good so have no worries.Damn its hard not to say anything bad.
Hello! everybody, just for Fallout 1 and tactics =P (Im kinda slow)
I'm russian... hobbie... skiing, RC gliders, reading, and playing!
I speak French Russian and English. All fluently!
question 1:
Does the Awaken mod for FOT make the game more RPG and more like Fallout 2? I want to play Fallout 2 but the graphics are repulsive. + you can't control your whole team.
Delousing and crevice checks are around the corner. You will find your straightjacket on the following wall, and plenty of Orderites to help you into them.
And Jebus: watch it. Anytime you try to act like a mod you attract the ire of the Powers That Be. This is not good for your longterm survival at this particular insane asylum.