Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Murdoch said:
And Jebus: watch it. Anytime you try to act like a mod you attract the ire of the Powers That Be.

If I were a mod, I would tell you to stop acting like a mod telling Jebus to stop acting like a mod.

And hi, everyone :D
Oh yeah! Well if I wasn't a mod I'd tell you to go back to your hot asian stripper girlfriend in Prague! :twisted:

Or something...meh.

Long time gamer, sometime come here to read the news. I actually got an account so I could post on Troika's troubles. Beyond that, I like RPGs, dry wit, and making simple things complicated.
Thanks, sho' is nice to meet y'all.

By the way, I disagree with the eminence of Einstein. To try to reach the most simplistic explanation or system requires large amounts of time and effort. Indeed, it may very well be impossible to reach the definitive in simplicity. Thing of it term of diminishing marginal returns on simplicity. Therefore, while striving for chaos is an undesired motivation, many things in life and the universe should remain complicated. For the energy required to simplify them far exceeds any specific gain.

Thanks for lisenin', you sho' are nice folk here.

Hey dudes this is Jack , i have registered a while ago but havnt posted due to other things in RL. I am loving those mods by the way especially the one where yuur team mates change their appearance based on their armor.
Hi there, this is about 13 posts late, but I'm Radial. Lurked for a very long time, registered a few weeks ago.

I started using the name a while ago before I knew what it meant.
welcome new guys...heh, only times ol' Melcoir show up nowadays is to welcome all n00bs :lol:
We should change his rank title to "Vault Greeting Officer", then.

Or better yet, "The Thing On The Doorstep."
Silencer, I propose an alliance, together we can ban Wooz. Though if you want to spam, why not try the various picture threads?

Anyway, welcome Zoidberg, Kamikaze, Soyuz, greatatlantic,
William J Shimmin, Radial, and Literacy_Hooligan.