Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

He also eats a huge sausage, in adittion to the two hard eggs. And lots of mayonnaise.
Wooz said:
He also eats a huge sausage, in adittion to the two hard eggs. And lots of mayonnaise.

Too bad I had to settle for cocktail weeners when I was visiting Poland :'(
Hello everyone and welcome to the largest and most survival-oriented Fallout community there is! You'll all fit in just fine with commentary and discussion on the "Wasteland" series, general games, friendly talk, and anything goes in The Order...

Also, please ignore the last two lines of every post I make...

The Vault Dweller
Hi all.

Decided to join after an invite. Mostly I lurk over at the 'codex.

Thought I'd do the polite thing and say hello.

Also... Great site.
Damn cool community as well.
So you decided to join after "an invite", eh? Strange. I don't remember inviting you. In fact, I would appreciate it if you would just get the hell out and leave us alone.


Uhm... welcome...
Gezus, alec, find some place other than the Welcome thread to practice your elitism, already ! :P
Yeah, don't mind Alec. He forgot his Prozac today.

Now Rosh (Hideki, whetever it is this week), that cat you should look out for. 8)
Thanks guys.

Btw. the mods section is great, I am learning alot of stuff I didn't know before.
zer0 said:
I am learning alot of stuff I didn't know before.

Uhm, yeah, usually that's the kind of stuff you learn. Kinda hard to learn stuff you already know.

Oh, right...


Now where's the manga comics and gabber music?
A little pic for n00bs:


Don't be scared! :twisted:
"A pic for n00bs", says the old-timer. Heh.

Welcome everyone, and don't forget to check the vats for examples on how you should NOT post.
A little pic for n00bs

I have more posts than this guy, so I'm not a newb/n00b/nabuto anymore? Awesome.

Also, I just realized I never even said hi myself. I just broke into the backdoor, grabbed some potato chips, planted myself on the couch and started watching bad sitcoms. Well, better late than never:

Hiya fellas!

Frequent reader/gamer, never reply though.

Your noob pic is way out dated; look at John Travolta with girly flicks AND Samuel l jackson with an fro !!!

Hey everybody
Hotel California said:

Frequent reader/gamer, never reply though.

Your noob pic is way out dated; look at John Travolta with girly flicks AND Samuel l jackson with an fro !!!

Hey everybody

Tell me your being sarcastic...
zer0 said:
Hi all.

Decided to join after an invite. Mostly I lurk over at the 'codex.

Thought I'd do the polite thing and say hello.

Also... Great site.
Damn cool community as well.

zer0 is onboard, i can rest now :wink:

A warm welcome and beware of the natives.

You won`t see me much in the next couple of weeks, since it´s time to deliver three crucial papers, watch the Babylon5 dvds i just got and smooch my lady a lot, since i´m going to be a father again.

In the meanwhile enjoy your stay, and don´t take the general grumpiness here very seriously 8)