Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread


Hey so I've been lurking this site for roughly... 3 years. I have probably the strangest order of playing namely Fallout 2 --> Fallout 3 --> Fallout 1.

Played F 2 a year before F3 came out loved it. Played F3 loved it too (yes I am a fan of the new ones, (although believe me I know the writing is a major major downpart of the game)). Anyways, I've been resisting creating an account here until I finished F1, which I just did.
The thing is... I can't stand FO3 after I've played the classic ones, that game was like an unbelievable joke.
Hello My name is thegaresexperience.

I'm new to this board and relatively new to the Fallout series. I regularly read The Vault and cannot wait for Fallout Online
Hey I'm A3-Dieciocho, i'm new here.
I've played fallout 1 and 3, not sure what happened to playing 2? I have a disk somewhere but no case, but anyway I have New Vegas on preorder and i'm looking to playing it. :D
Quite a few new new people here. Welcome!

Oh and beware of the characters that have been roaming around this forum for years, they can be quite nasty. :)
I'm Zeus *nods*

I'm pretty new to posting on these boards, though I've been a frequent lurker for about 3 years before. I really didn't have much I wanted to say so I didn't feel the need to really create an account.

I've been a fan of Fallout since the age of 10 when I took a look at the Vault-Man in the instruction manual and the strange contrast of violence that the game had. In other words, Fallout's mix of violence and humor attracted my sick little brain, to play it. Eventually beat the game around junior high, though it wasn't until Fallout 2 that I really became a huge fan. Gave up the series around Tactics, but came back to it because of Beth's interesting take (though in my eyes a failure) on the series.

Looking forward to New Vegas, though honestly, I'm not holding my breath regarding it's quality. Sure, it has a few of the FO2 blokes under it's creation, but at the same time, it has a few Beth blokes under it's creation. That doesn't sit too well with me. Ahh well, I can only hope.
ZeusComplex said:
...Gave up the series around Tactics, but came back to it because of Beth's interesting take (though in my eyes a failure) on the series.

First things first. Welcome!

A lot of such disappointments with that around here. Couldn't truly realize what went so bad (although something obviously did) with the game to fail in such a way as a sequel, until recently, when Starcraft 2 went out.

Starcraft --> Starcraft 2 = Over 10 years between games, but it is basically the same game, only improved on graphics, some gameplay elements and a new interesting storyline that fallows the events of the predecessor (expansion pack included). In other words a true sequel to the series. Proves that, even if years passed, you can still stay true to the game you are making a sequel of.

Fallout 1/2 --> Fallout 3 = Also over 10 years between games... May as well be just a Fallout mod for a game that has nothing to do with Fallout (Obvlivion).

Empty09 said:
I still don't know 100% what the order is tho'.

When I first read that line it reminded me of the warning that SuAside gave me when I first asked about the order myself, it was a picture of a road warning sign with something like "stay away from the locals" written on it.
Hi im Insomnia.
I learned about Fallout when fallout 3 came out played for bout 10 days got bored and looked up the originals and well....i need not explain what happened next.
I came across NMA when looking for info for my first FO2 play through, saw it was my kind of crowd so i read for a few years then thought id join.
Hi! Just joined up and wish to say hello! I intend to become a part of this wonderful community and am hoping to write an RP guide for the 2.1.2b mod.
Hi, v2. You mean you wanna write the walkthrough for the Restoration Project? That would be very neat, as the old one is no longer very accurate. :ok:
Hello people name's john Roleplayin's my game tabletop miniatures rpg, you name it most likely I'm there. I'm one of those people who thinks the "New" fallout games aren't really helping the series, and that they might want to go back to there table top roots. I'm just starting to get into modding, but I wanted there to be some more american made mods out there for the good ol' fallout, and his younger brother fallout two. When in doubt people can usually find me participating in shootouts, commanding the omega 7, fixing people up on the blue dwarf, fighting off dinosaurs, or wandering the wasteland, looking for a new home, well and searching the nearest dragons dungeon. I'm happy that I finally found the "courage" to join up, and I hope that I can make many new acquaintances on this fine site.
Sup, JB. Welcome. If you're into modding, check the modding forum here at NMA. Hell, I'm sure you already have! :D
Oh my, didn't notice this thread.

I'm Gabriel Cortez.
Live in sweden.
Has an internship at a restaurant (???internship???).
I get by with my welfare checks.
Has a couple of friends.
We drink, we smoke, we talk trash.
Anyway, onto Fallout and NMA.
I've been lurking around here anonymously, reading, watching.
Couldn't register, got a new email because my old one is crap, could register.
And now I'm here.

Started with Fallout 2, moved on to Fallout 1, then Tactics.

I'm ashamed to admit it but I've never actually completed Fallout 2.
There has always been complications (not gameplay-wise) that has hindered me from finishing it.

I loved Fallout 3 in it's own way, spent 800+ hours on it.
But there are a lot of stuff I just plain hate about it as well.
But yknow, it's an all right game, just not a great fallout game.

And uuuh...
I dunno, not much more to say is it?