I know I'm a week late to do this, but screw it I'm going to do it anyway.
Hi, I'm TheKingofVault14 it's an honor to be here!
To quickly recap what I've said about myself on how I discovered the series. I've been a Fallout fan since 2012, I've played most of the Fallout games from both the Interplay era and Bethesda era except BOS & 76, and I started out as a Bethesda Fallout Fanboy but gradually got disillusioned by their crappy mediocre writing, game design, and overall decisions that they've made throughout the years mainly Fallout 4 & 76.
Other than that, it's cool to finally be a part of this website. I've known about NMA for quite awhile now, and the reason why I've only joined now it's because well, the 25th anniversary of the Fallout series AND this website is coming up in a few months. Now in regards to whether FO1'S release date is either in September or October, is an entirely different topic I'll be covering in a separate thread sometime soon.
Anyways, I can't wait to post and have some interesting discussions with all of you.
Cheers to all, a new GLITTERING GEM has arrived!