This ghoul has seen it all

Also Luigi's Mansion on 3DS. Maybe we should make a thread about the Press conferences and our reactions to them. I won't do it, too much work.
Eternal said:Still love Mario, it'll take a lot for me to NOT love Mario. Nintendo can continue to crap out Mario franchise titles for another 25years for all I care, as long as they are fun and quality.
That said, I do wish that Nintendo would invest into some new IPs. While it's true that Nintendo probably has the single best library of character based IPs of any development or publishing studio, it has been quite some time since they developed a new one.
I'd love to see more Drill Dozer, or Custom Robo. I kind of wish that Nintendo could buy the rights to Shantae because they'd do wonders with her. (And frankly a Shantae / Captain Syrup crossover game would be AWESOME.)
Dragula said:Mario is really irrelevant, they wanted a face they could put on the games, that would work for all audiences. That is all he is. What counts are the games.
SimpleMinded said:Tired of saving the princess? Is that even what you do in the game?
For NCR said:Eh, I don't hate Mario. Hell, some of their games are still entertaining. But there really is no point to continue the series, since it is just sports titles these days.
Paper Mario on the N64 was a true gem.
BFox17 said:SimpleMinded said:Tired of saving the princess? Is that even what you do in the game?
Considering that's what you do in every Mario game that isn't a sports title, yes it is. Look, some people don't mind having to do the same main task in a game over and over again like saving Peach, I just don't. I mean, how the hell does she get kidnapped over and over again anyway? It's almost as if she wants to be taken by Bowser...