Is Brian Fargo working for Bethesda too?

Am I to assume that funding can only be provided by Bethesda? Sure, it's possible that they are getting funding from Bethesda, but I just don't see why all the jumping to conclusions that Bethesda is involved in the Wasteland project. It's possible, but with such a short blurb like that it could be anything. Last I checked, Bethesda does not own the rights to all post-apocalyptic media.

Also: Mcfly? What? :question:
Well, what kind of promotion tour is this where you don't know just what in the hell is being promoted.
I cant even begin to say how shitty it would be if such a company touched wasteland.

Troika could have done it, thats the odd thing

I cant imagine wasteland being remade without a massive budget. Please dont use that grey/green blobbly excuse for a gaming engine either....


I played that sucker for a couple of years on the c64. The c64 was the nicer version even if the resolution was lower.


I would prefer if games would return to smaller projects and budgets again with a focus on projects that are realistic and can be realised aiming with their product at a target or audience not with "sales in the millions".

If a game is big in development it has to be a big financial success. That means it has to sell millions of copies to all platforms. And I guess we know how such things tend to look in the end ...


With saying that I dont have any issues with games for the casual gamer as I see my self in that level as well. Games like Diablo will always see more success compared to games like F1 or F2. But that doesnt mean those games are inherently better. They just achieve a different idea in design. Diversity is key in my eyes.
Todd Howard, the mastermind behind The Elder Scrolls and Fallout series,


Correct me if i am wrong, but didn't Howard start working on the TES series from Morrowind and beyond. and not from the first game?

quote from wikipedia
"His major credits include project lead and additional writing and quest design on Morrowind, additional design on Daggerfall, producer and additional designer of The Terminator: Future Shock and SkyNET and executive producer of Fallout 3. "[/b]
I believe there are two theories for these guys' behavior.

1. They decided to say bye bye to quality design and say hello to easy money.
2. They want to kiss Beth's ass and then conquer when the bitch is not looking.
how do you people read about such news 5-6x a day?

this shit is worse than learning my anal worts have to be frozen off again.
Public said:
I believe there are two theories for these guys' behavior.

1. They decided to say bye bye to quality design and say hello to easy money.
2. They want to kiss Beth's ass and then conquer when the bitch is not looking.
I don't think you know much of anything about the developer or publisher in this story.

Anyway, as others have said, this might not have anything to do with Wasteland or Fallout. Bethesda publishes all sorts of crap, and inXile is best known for casual games. For all we know, this could be a drag racing game.
Dionysus said:
For all we know, this could be a drag racing game.
For some odd reason, this made me think of a drag queen racing game. :lol:

Wouldn't it be funny if he was just making a joke, and here everyone is making a big fuss over nothing. Well played, Fargo, well played. :clap:
Ausdoerrt said:
Instead we'll get "will there be tanks/planes/bicycles" threads instead. Stupid threads are like Russian Mafia, unbeatable.

It's not Wasteland unless there's a jeep, a train and a helicopter. Each of them four pixels high.
Dionysus said:
and inXile is best known for casual games. For all we know, this could be a drag racing game.
Is it at all possible that this could be a publisher switch to Bethesda for Hei$t or all all the rights tied up with Codemasters even though they pulled the plug? It sucks that they had been working on that game for so long only to have it vaporize. I would rather see them release the game as paid direct download (even if it was in a truncated, but playable form) than have it never see the light of day. Then inXile would at least get some money for it and accompanying publicity.

inXile really needs to have a non-casual game come out for them to get funding and momentum for a proper Wasteland game.