First time out of the vault

Now this isn't about if 4 & 76 signal the decline of fallout or not. The real question is whether or not fallout is actually redeemable at all at this point, no matter who is taking up the cause.
Everyone hates sequels. Actually, that's not true. There is a general bias against sequels because of the fact that they are always held up to the original. The sequels that are successful are usually ones that can't be held up to the original. Ones which are different enough that they are looked at as their own thing, rather than the successor of another. Think empire strikes back, or blade runner 2049.
I never played fallout 2 but from what I've seen it at least somewhat fits that criteria. I know new vegas fits this criteria, i mean 1 and new vegas, aside from being rpgs, are completely different games.
We've had so many fallout sequels that sometimes I think fallout, as a universe, has dried out. Sure, you could set a game in texas, canada, or china. But whats the point of even calling it fallout then? Fallout has long gone through its menopause, that was fallout 3, there was a brief sexual awakening in new vegas and then it slowed down again. Fallout in-game years is like 70 or 80 at this point.
TL;DR has fallout had too many sequels? Is it overdone?
Everyone hates sequels. Actually, that's not true. There is a general bias against sequels because of the fact that they are always held up to the original. The sequels that are successful are usually ones that can't be held up to the original. Ones which are different enough that they are looked at as their own thing, rather than the successor of another. Think empire strikes back, or blade runner 2049.
I never played fallout 2 but from what I've seen it at least somewhat fits that criteria. I know new vegas fits this criteria, i mean 1 and new vegas, aside from being rpgs, are completely different games.
We've had so many fallout sequels that sometimes I think fallout, as a universe, has dried out. Sure, you could set a game in texas, canada, or china. But whats the point of even calling it fallout then? Fallout has long gone through its menopause, that was fallout 3, there was a brief sexual awakening in new vegas and then it slowed down again. Fallout in-game years is like 70 or 80 at this point.
TL;DR has fallout had too many sequels? Is it overdone?