Trannies have really "popped up" with the popularization of the Internet, who would have thought...
I googled it and skipped over some shit, but it was just some tranny hentai thing?
I dunno, all anime disgusts me.
Even Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Studio Ghibli films . . ?
I'd say they're underrated. But really, their work is so subtle, it's insane. They make movies (and now games) that seem pretty straightforward, but dig a little deeper beneath the surface and they're really fucked up. Totoro is a fine example. The movie was about an actual incident back in the 70s, if I remember correctly, where a young girl was murdered, and the film is hinting at the fact that the moment the main character sees her friendly neighbor Totoro for the first time, she's already dead. No more shadows at her feet, a few things not only become fantastical but they STAY fantastical. It seems like a film about a little girl with an imaginary friend, but that's if you just look at it on the surface. The deeper meaning is far more dark, morbid, and depressing. And that's ALL of Ghibli's work! I love it! ^^Studio Gihbli are good, but they are overrated as fuck.
I googled it and skipped over some shit, but it was just some tranny hentai thing?
Nope, transvetite little boys fucking.
I am not much into this anime stuff, but doesn't everyone look like a child in these movies, even the adult?
No, they're underrated because they're celebrated for what they are on the surface. On the surface Ni no Kuni is a good game. On the surface Spirited Away is a good movie. But these are far, far deeper when you explore them and delve into what more they represent. I wasn't taking unsupported theories as fact, I was taking stated fact as fact. When a creator says what their inspiration was, pardon me for taking them for their word. I'm not saying that broken down, these hidden meanings are ALL they amount to. I'm saying they are further meanings to an already-meaningful experience. Even if all Spirited Away meant to you was a little girl being reunited with her family, that didn't mean there wasn't more to it. But the hidden meanings didn't take away a film about a little girl who gets separated from her family and gets reunited with them. See what I'm saying? They're multi-faceted stories, and in THAT respect they're underrated. Most people don't realize the multidimensional nature of them, even though as such large productions they receive so much press and attention. All that press and attention is fixated on relatively superficial things, that's why I'd say they're underrated, not because they're unpopular (cause obviously, they're not).Dude, you are taking unsupported theories as fact.... They have already dismantled that theory about it being about those murders.
Also, Underrated? Are you kidding me? They are good, very very good, but they get far too exposure even with their weaker films people act like they are the second coming of Jizzus.
Ah, something I can masturbate to... Just kidding.
I always wondered what does the term Tranny means. Now, because of nma, i have gained this knowledge.