Is there nobody who enjoys both?!

Fall Out Boy

From the short amount of time that I have browsed this forum all that I can see are people either talking-shit about Bethesda's Fallout games or people talking shit about the "old, boring turn-based" games.


I have played both the original Fallout games and the modern ones and have enjoyed them both very much - somewhat equally.

Please can someone tell me that I'm not the only one?!
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I enjoy both Fallout 1 and 2.

Joking aside: you are not the only one. Also don't use non-standard fonts/sizes in message boards. It's annoying.
I think Fallout 1&2 are some of the greatest games ever made. I think Fallout 3 is okay, it's a mixture of some good stuff and some bad stuff and I go back and forth on which of the two is more prominent every time I play it. I think New Vegas is the best game to come out in this century.

As for whether it's just "shit-talking Beth games" or "Fallout 3 isn't that great" I guess we'll have to wait until 4 actually ships.
Well I am glad to hear that some people enjoy both as-well.
I just really hate this elitist attitude that the "veterans" seem to have.
I am equally sick of the annoying "kids" out there who put Bethesda on a pedestal and act like the first games didn't exist.
Just don't understand why everyone cant appreciate both...
A lot of people here also appreciate New Vegas, so technically speaking it's not an "Old vs New" kind of issue we are talking about.
I enjoy the first two games and New Vegas. Fallout Tactics is alright. Fallout 3 is absolute dogshit. Fallout 4 ... is not out yet, but I do like some of what I've seen. If Fallout has to an FPS now, I'm glad they are focusing on making the shooting mechanics better.
Okay so what I gather is that people simply dislike Fallout 3.
What are the major aspects from this game that people find so intolerable?
I personally have to grudge against this game and think it pretty much goes level with New Vegas?
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The laughably inconsistent and stupid game world and story, the lack of consistency with the original lore, character builds in Fallout 3 don't really matter, there are no actual consequences to any of your actions, the game isn't really a role playing game; its an open world FPS with stats and shitty shooting.... I could keep going.
Boring gameplay, straight-forward quests faulted by logical fallacies, poor-built world and dumb characters, zero to little consequences for player's actions and choices, karma system - also badly implemented - instead of reputation, no respect for the lore stated in previous games...
I like the originals and New Vegas. I think that's enough of a middle ground.

Edit: Okay reasons for disliking Fallout 3

Terrible writting everywhere.
Linear plot.
Bland Companion characters.
Only 3 endings without settlement specific endings of any kind.
Very low variety of weapons, which makes anything that isn't Energy Weapons unviable, thus it's also a poorly balanced system.
You can max out everything without needing 50 levels.
Awful gun feel and sound.
Poorly designed world that is more interested in the visuals rather than giving them subtance.
Shitty "Damage Resistance" system.
VATS is brokn as hell making you only receive 10% damage.
Breaks lore consistently and is weirdly obssessed with the war despite it being set 200 years after it.

Fallout 4:
Dumbed down TO HELL levelign system that barely even resembles an rpg and doesn't allow players to either fail or take any risks. All levels of Special, even level 1 gives them perks, thus LEVEL 0 works more like LEvel 5. Which is just stupid.

Immortal Companions.

No level cap so it's completely devoid of balance.

Voiced protagonist greatly reduces the Role Playing aspect of creatign a character.

Hard Locked dialogue choices at a time, with 2 word summaries of each.

Obvious aping of Mass Effect,down to even having companion romances.

The dumbing down of Special and the dialogue system combined have basically stripped all RPG from this.

Even Pokemon has more hardcore RPG Mechanics....

Both Combined:
They are childish power fantasies.
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New Vegas is good :shrug:

SOME turn-based games are awful. They can be slow, tedious and lacking in any option for tactical thought.

The issues people take with Bethesda's games have almost nothing to do with gameplay and almost everything to do with design, narrative, and philosophy.
I love New Vegas, but then again, it's not a Bethesda game and it shows. Just face it, Bethesda is not capable of making a good Fallout game, they just don't understand the source material.
I actually really enjoyed playing the Bethesda games. The story for Failout 3 is terrible, but I must admit it was pretty fun to play through first time around. New Vegas, unfortunately, falls victim to a similar Bethesda illness but at least it has a much better story.
What are the major aspects from this game that people find so intolerable?

Basically, Fallout 3 lacks any interesting or memorable characters, has a story where nobody's actions are consistent with their motivations and is thus nonsensical, it really railroads the player in an alarmingly linear plot for an open world game, and none of the sidequests are particularly interesting or meaningful.

The things like "the combat mechanics" aren't exactly good, but they're okay enough to not be a major sticking point. But the major sticking points are poor writing, lack of consistency, ill-considered world-building, and how the game really refuses to allow you to meaningfully roleplay in any way.
And lets not forget, that it tries to bring all the things that were present in previous Fallouts and use them for its purposes in the dumbest ways possible.
Water purification, Geck, BoS, Enclave, Harold, Super Mutants, Vault experiments. They bring back those things and simply make them worse.
And when it tries to come up with its own thing, you get Little Lamplight and vampires.
In the order I played them in:

I loved Fallout 2, thought Fallout 1 was great, thought Tactics was good, but flawed, initially found Fallout 3 to be annoying, but after my second or third attempt to get into the game found it to be fun but shallow, and thought New Vegas was great.

Regarding Little Lamplight... The execution was dire, but it does have the kernel of a good idea within. The problem being that it would take a great writer to bring it out, and that's something Bethesda sorely lack... And so we got that mess that we did.
As others on here have said previously, if FO3 was its own title apart from the franchise it would be a decent adventure game and likely wouldn't catch half of the flak it gets.

As a Fallout RPG however, it's an abysmal disappointment. Due to the half-assed world design, crummy characters, linear story, and lack of any meaningful choices and consequences, it's only good for one or two playthroughs before moving on to something better.

New Vegas and the originals on the other hand... I still can't put them down after all these years.
Okay, looking back at Fallout 3, thanks to the points raised, I think it is safe to say that it most likely shouldn't not be considered the best Fallout game, though for what its worth, I still enjoyed my experience with it.
Despite this, I still feel that people (no-one in this thread) go a little over the top with what they say regarding Fallout 3. Alas what has done, has been done.
Fallout 4 is right around the corner and what I don't want is the same people who complain about Fallout 3 to complain - in as much sincerity and detail - about Fallout 4.
Enjoy it for what it's worth, an open world shooter (with what looks to be, a far greater combat system) with basic RPG elements.
It's not the end of the world. Don't take it too seriously, don't get so frustrated.