Good post, aegis.
aegis said:
here's an example of proportion:
in short they just falsified a picture of bombing in lebanon, if this 1 exists imagine how many more..
That Reuters thing is pretty messed up. Hajj has so far been proven to have edited two pictures (one of a burning Beirout and one of an Israeli F-16 firing missiles) and, worse, it's pretty much sure he staged a lot of the pictures surrounding Qana.
Reuters fired him, though, and retracted all his pictures.
More importantly to me, until I read the news about him being fired, I never saw a single one of those pictures, meaning none of that false propaganda even reached me.
aegis said:
yea i know its retorical, but i know you would speak much diffrently when this shit was in your country.
Yes, it is rhetorical and irrelevant. So stop saying it.
aegis said:
what responsibilty? you mean beside trying to defend my country and to use pincette on hizbullah so the world wont shout at israel, "you fucking butcher"?
No, not that responsibility.
The responsibility to face up to the simple fact that when you kill the civilian or even a terrorist this death is your responsibility. Whether or not the death is "justified" because you're defending your country, which you are, is a seperate question.
Consider the way the war has gone and its reasons to exist, Israel has no need to hide behind false arguments of "we drop flyers hence the deaths are not our fault." Such blatant lies ill besuit you.
aegis said:
the only responsiblity should lay on the hands of those who layed this war, you think our moral resposibility is lacking?
That's bullshit. "They started it" does tilt the moral balance in one direction or another, but it does not mean "the only responsibility" should be called theirs. Nevermind that we can even argue about who started bombing and who has invaded whose country by the point, punching someone back still means you've punched.
aegis said:
check out the other side please, and then we will discuss ours-not before.
Why? I was unaware there was a morality-queue that you have to pass through before coming up for judgement. Is there any reason at all I would have to judge Hezbollah before Israel?
aegis said:
you're right, they are pretty much screwed up, because hizbullah told them to stay there and not flee thier houses, if a terrorist organization would tell you to stay in your house would you stay? i know i wouldn't. i think those civilians wanted to be there, you know its a muslamic belief to be a "shahid", even if you are not a member of an organization.
That is complete nonsense.
A muslim will never consider himself shaheed unless he believes the case he dies in is ordained by Allah. Dying in a war you do not personally believe him will get you squat. Saying they stayed in buildings just to be shaheed sounds very improbable.
And drop the "Hezbollah told them to stay there"-bit. Again; the roads are broken, the bridges gone, it's impossible to walk. Why do you bring up Hezbollah telling them they shouldn't leave, when in fact Israel already made it impossible to leave?
aegis said:
what do you mean? you think we enjoy butchering civilians so the world can scream at us? those are poor souls allright, but i have to worry about my shit before them, wouldn't you?
its like, this war is shit from all stances, no matter what you do, the world says you're an ass, you pay millions of dollars each day to finance this shit, lose all the tourism that could've been up north, people lose money, houses, die etc..
and all because of a bunch of extremists which lebanon goverment couldn't handle.
The extremists are a part of the government, so that's a bit of an odd point.
I repeat; I am not condemning your reasons for waging war, I'm condemning your attempts to wash your hands clean of any and all deaths.
aegis said:
no. this is what you dont get, if the goverment in lebanon would control its shit and not let iran and syria dictate the rules of engagment, there wouldn't be any casualties from lebanon, but the point is, iran and syria dont give a jackass about lebanon, and hizbullah also-and the proof is there, so i should take responsiblity just because the physical damage is mine?
its like you would blame yourslef if someone would hold a gun you were shooting that you didnt want to shoot in the first place, and that anaology you cant precieve.
What? That analogy doesn't even vaguely work. Nobody is pushing the buttons of Israel's rockets except Israel. Nobody is holding the gun for you, you're holding it yourself
Yes, you should take a part of the responsibility because the physical damage is yours. You're throwing bombs, when the bombs land it is your throwing them that made them land. Nothing else. There's no other reason for bombs to fall than for someone to shoot them.
"Yeah, but they..." is all well and good and serves to defend your reasons for doing it, but it does not alleviate your responsibility. Simply accept it. Stop trying to run away.
aegis said:
so you are saying that the warmongers here are israel.
Heh. Avoferaki, that wasn't what I was saying at all. In fact, me and Sander both explicitely stated that that was not my point. My point, to repeat myself, is that your argument doesn't work because it would apply to Israel as well. Got it?
aegis said:
thats what you're saying.
Not really, it's what you're saying.
aegis said:
i'm saying that they are the one causing directly all this misery upon the lebanonise people
Really? Suffer never noticed any Hezbollah killings of Lebanese people. "Directly" might not be the term you're looking for, papadopoulaki.
aegis said:
whats that about "reasoning", who are you demanding to take responsiblity? exactly the wrong people.
Not really. Neither of us has so far denied the responsibility of Hezbollah or Israel. You're the only one denying responsibility of one side or, apparently, indicating that responsibility has to lie with one *or* the other.
aegis said:
and what bullshit is that-"yet". who gives a fuck about yet?
if a terrorist was near your house, and he wasnt ready to attack "yet" would you let him by, and wait until he decides to do it?
Heh. How George W. Bush. "Preventive" warfare, huh? So where does it stop? After Lebanon, what about Iran? Syria? What about subversive elements in Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia? What about young muslims, they could become terrorists, ready to attack, should we kill them preventively?
"Preventive" warfare is a brainfart as it assumes complete knowledge of the future. It will never serve as an excuse of reason to strike, so do not use it as such.
aegis said:
i was answaring to the logic of what he says, because i fail to see what side are you really, except from the loads of loathing i hear from the tone of your voice, i'm not a fucking israeli embassador, but you guyz dont sound much like sympathizers.
otherwise you would talk about blame from the other side.
No, we don't sympathize with Israel by definition. We sympathize with Israel on this unique case because we believe them justified and rational in their approach, if not completely in execution. This means that we're on the side of Israel's reason for fighting, not that we support any haphazourd argument thrown in Israel's way.
The fact that we support the war but disagree with you says a lot about your arguments, logic and way of expressing yourself. Not ours. Your failure to see what side we are on says a lot about the way you look at the world. It says nothing about us.