aegis said:
and he's not israeli.
glad to see someone else sees the side the rest of the world doesnt.
You mean the side that Israel, mistakes nonwithstanding, is right? The side that I've taken on this conflict, as has sander?
Yeah, big surprise.
Or do you mean the " You're all Anti-semetic and haters!"-side. Yeah, there are people there too. Sadly.
Stompie said:
Iranian Insergants aren't condemed, by the muslims in the Mid East, for Suicide bombings that are directed at civilians
...Iranian insurgents? When are we talking about here, '81? The hell you talking about, man?
Stompie said:
but- when israel leads a directed attack, giving the civilians that reside in the target, 15 minutes warning, and said civies don't heed the warning, the shit hits the fan.
Reports have it warnings are given, not every single time, and sometimes they're given but not followed up on. Do you really expect me or anyone else to take that seriously as an attempt to spare human lives?
"Hey, all Lebanese people in South Beirout, you should all, like, flee whilst we're bombing the crap out of that part of town because, y'know, we're bombing the crap out of that part of town, in case you didn't notice. Have a flyer!"
Stompie said:
The entire muslim world seems to rally behind Hezballah.
The entire muslim whatnow? There's Hamas, there's Syria, there's Iran.
Iraq isn't supporting Hezbollah. Neither is Pakistan. Aghanistan? Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Would you look at that. All not rallying behind Hezbollah.
Stompie said:
Some of the bodies were placed there, by hezballah for the media,
Prove it.
Stompie said:
Whilst, Hezballah still targets israeli Civilians, and the muslim world couldn't care less.
Oh, we care. Though come to think of it, the funny thing is that in this conflict the Israelis were the first to hit civilians, not Hezbollah.
Stompie said:
The Media seems to be Anti-semitic; CNN's bais seems to lean in favor of Hezballah, Accenting Collateral damage, and showing sympathetic views, of hezballah.
"The media", by which I'll take it you're referring to the left-leaning liberal media like CNN or BBC or CBNBC as opposed to say Fox, are islamoapologistic in nature. They're all rooting for the underdog when it comes to Hezbollah or Hamas and, more importantly, against the "militant imperialistic Western powers" as represented by Israel.
That this is bullshit has been well documented. CNN and BBC, for instance, are fairly neutral, though. Just set your bullshit-filter to light, read a bit between the lines and you'll get a good overview of the matter. Hell, the media never promised you could stop thinking because they'll represent everything in a neutral, reliable way. That's impossible, and you know it.
The say their motives for this are anti-semitic in nature is yet another grand slap in the face of every jew who has suffered under anti-semitism in the history of the world. Well done, you have just further cheapened and hollowed out an important and dangerous concept by using it as a cheap way to attack people that happen to not agree with you.