Stompie said:
Before the infamos bombing of the residential complex, a member of the isreali militery contacted a hand full of the inhabitants, instructing them to leave the building. few, if any heeded said warning. aproxamatly 15 minutes later, a presision munition was dropped on the dwelling. This was said in defince of the bombing, the day of.
And this is proof of 'in every case, a warning if given out 15 minutes beforehand' how, exactly? Because, you know, stating this is so doesn't make it proof. Sources, for instance, make it somewhat closer to proof.
But suppose that you're right. Then yes, the Israeli contacted some(note some) of the inhabitants of the building before the bombing. I don't see at all how this means that this is done with every bombing, nor do I see how it would then be their own fault if they got killed.
Stompie said:
In the aftermath, Corpses were posed for the media. You might have deduced this, if you had seen the pictures shown on the Media.
Okay, here's my counter-proof (is that even a word?): No they didn't.
See what I'm doing here? I'm making a statement and pretending it is proof of itself. Whoop-di-doo.
Stompie said:
Israel was after the rocket platform that was stationed in proximity of the building...
Which is relevant how, exactly?
Also, since they alerted those in the building, I suppose they knew there was at least a risk, if not a certainty, that they'd hit the building.
Stompie said:
Hezbolla is using the Media against Isreal.
Gee, you think? How surprising.
As is Israel, of course.
Stompie said:
Iranian insergants, as in - Iraq. They seem to be praised by most. You.... Might have observed this, on the Media.
Erm, what?
All I hear from 'Iranian insurgents' is that they kill people. (Although technically, I haven't heard much from Iranian insurgents at all, mostly just Iraqi insurgents).
I don't see exactly how that's praising them, at all.
Hell, I'm beginning to get increasingly annoyed at this ridiculous argument I've seen flung about several times in this thread. I haven't seen anyone, ever, say that a terrorist is the one to be sympathetic with if they kill someone, rather than the one they kill. Media outlets show that there's been yet another terrorist attack where people were killed. They then tend to mention something about rising tensions or some recent conflict in the region at most.
See, that's not praising terrorists at all. And I have no clue where you people get the idea that the media support terrorists. It's really mind-boggling.
Stompie said:
Oh... Who could forget Our palestinian friends, Hamaas? (Idk what the correct english language translation). Iranian suicide bombers committing these atrocities on those in the west bank, on behalf of Hamaas. Those could be considered iranian insurgents operating in israel.
Yes, because Hamas is, exactly?
aegis said:
netiquette or whatever that means, i gather you mean to the order and politness of the discussion?
lets see:
No, he means
You see, it is considered bad netiquette to respond only to a few selected points you wish to respond, for the simple reason that that perverts the discussion.
aegis said:
if everything that comes out of my keyboard sounds to you like that, there is really no reason to continue this, because everything i brought you so far you didnt buy, and obviously i cant bring you what i hear on our 3 TV networks, so i'm scraping from the internet, which from my point of view, which you dont agree, is very flooded with one sided stories. so its pretty hard to find any "proof" but i will come up with them maybe later, if and even.
See, this is another bit of a really poor argument. 'Our minority media supports us and gives us information in favor of us, so your media must be wrong and one-sided!'
That's the kind of argument you're giving us. In fact, it's almost the only argument you've given us throughout this thread. Now, this argument may have been appropriate if we were indeed being spoon-fed by a very biased media. However, the likelihood of that being the case is ridiculously small considering the amount of news outlets and their very similar news-reports.
It is, on the other, much more likely that your media are biased. For one, because according to you, they don't seem to agree on anything with the rest of the media throughout the world. Secondly, because they are stationed in Israel. Israel is at war. Now, during wartime, national news-outlets have a very strong tendency to support their national views and their government.
Yet you insist on saying that our news-outlets are the biased ones and that they are wrong, not even considering the other possibility.
aegis said:
broder, i agree with you-we are not building it according to the UN plan, because no negotiations were engaged, so we take what we can-yeah, we're assholes, we dont want to negotiate. how can the UN say which part of the land is ours in which is the arabs? how can the arabs say it and how can we say it? the whole thing is just too rooted for anyone to really make a choice here-the only way is through negotiation-no way there too.
That's not the point.
Why are you not building according to more conventional and generally agreed upon (except by you) borders? It would have been a very small nuisance to not build them like this, and if I'm not mistaken, it would've cost you fewer materials as well.
Instead, you've gone to extra lengths to disturb the Palestinian life by building it in places where no-one can see a reason to build them.
aegis said:
iranian insurgents-bullshit half-way, but its a fact to everyone that iran financed this hizbulla attack on israel including all thier bases for rockets and bunkers, i think it was 100 mil $.
aegis said:
Bodies being placed, it wouldn't suprise me, but i guess your morale belief in hizbullah is greater than mine.
No, it's that he (and I with him) doesn't have any reason to believe it. It has nothing to do with belief in Hezbollah, but rather that this is a rather new claim with no proof from either of you to back it up.
aegis said:
Entire muslims world rallying behind Hezbollah-it isnt? where does the muslim world condemn hizbullah? you prove that its wrong.
entire is pretty broad i agree, but i think he meant the major countries, no need to get over punctual..
The major countries being Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Indonesia and Iran. Only one of those actually supports Hezbollah, and that's Iran. That's nowhere near 'the muslim world', that's just Iran.
aegis said:
always presesnt 15-minutes warnings:i think its much more than that, otherwise its ridicolus, what can i say, i believe in the morality of my army, because i served in it, and i know how it operates, many things could be presented otherwise, and in some border cases i cannot justify certain actions. this, is definitly not one of them:
Woohoo, someone finally gets it, a source!