As for Dragon Age 2, while it sucked in gameplay, and the reused enviorments and forced homosexuality on the companions, it really was well written, watching a character grow from little more then a young adult, to near their 40s and seeing their rise of power being so organic in that it takes many years to occur and the world ages around you.
Want to know how I know you're just a troll? I'll give you a hint - the big text up there.
Thats just fact, they'll be whatever the player wants, rather then what they are suppose to be. Anders was very straight in DA 1's Expansion pack where he was introduced, and suddenly he'll be gay? No literally, he has an affair with a male npc before you meet him, and then he'll hook up with your character male or female. Thats not being true to his character, thats pandering to Politically correctness.
Lets be honest here, you think im a troll because you don't like what i have to say. People who speak unpopular truths are always labeled as trolls.
Bioware have always been good about wanting to provide a range of sexualities, personality types and showing equal respect to these various types of human beings.
The fact that the companions were playersexual was not pandering to political correctness (since Biowares representation of minorites are usually coming from a place of genuinely wanting to do good, rather than being pressured by the industry writ-large). The homosexuality wasnt a problem, the indiscriminate bisexuality was. They werent pandering, they were lazy. (Or rushed) Instead of doing the amazing job that DAI would later do, with each character having a unique personality, and very specific preferences and orientations.. it was everyone available to everyone.
As I gay individual I cant help but eyeroll when people complain about 'forced homosexuality'. 90% of videogaming is forced heterosexuality. Build-your-own-character RPGs are the place I dont expect that from, especially not in a Fallout game. And not only is Fallout 4 'forced heterosexuality', its forced personality, forced background, forced feelings, forced behaviours, forvced actions.. no agency at all.