Bleep bloop.
5.2 userscore as of now.
-Gamespeed is tied to FPS
-Game is fucked on PS4
-Everyone's immortal
-Dialogue system's fucked
-Writing's fucked
-Texture quality is iffy
-Many, many bugs and technical problems
-Restrictive options on pc (fov/fps is locked, only adjustable in.ini)
There's people on reddit and metacritic saying Obsidian did it better.
It's more borderlands than Fallout now.
Pete Hines is doing damage control on twitter on the ps4 situation.
5.2 userscore as of now.
-Gamespeed is tied to FPS
-Game is fucked on PS4
-Everyone's immortal
-Dialogue system's fucked
-Writing's fucked
-Texture quality is iffy
-Many, many bugs and technical problems
-Restrictive options on pc (fov/fps is locked, only adjustable in.ini)
There's people on reddit and metacritic saying Obsidian did it better.

It's more borderlands than Fallout now.
Pete Hines is doing damage control on twitter on the ps4 situation.

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