welsh said:
Well to be fair Kharn, yes Russia is transitioning and chances are Russia will get better. Of course if it gets worse, than Russia will start to look a lot like Africa and less like Europe. So yeah, hopefully Russia is on the rise because God knows it needs to.
Remember, I'm just back from a trip to Russia that took me past NATO, the EU, the embassy and a whole row of companies settling down in Russia (see the thread in TO). The situation is foggy and hard-to-understand, but depending on the government it'll take a hard hit to actually turn it from getting better to getting worse.
One of the most significant things is that for now Poetin has been using most of the oil-money to settle debts. Soon Russia will be almost debt-free, which is quite a unicum (along with the Netherlands), which gives it quite a bit of elbow-room for investments. Expect it to boom then, not now.
welsh said:
Eight days of rioting in Paris is nothing to laugh at. NPR has been covering it over here. Jebus is right- this is looking awfully like an American race riot.
Except that you can not deny the religious connotations here, un-politically correct as that may be.
welsh said:
Rather than point a finger at the US and "Ah, yeah, you too!" you might want to think about- "Jeez how did we fuck this one up." Or are you suggesting that Europe's other cities are free of this kind of problem?
Yes and no. Paris' problems are pretty unique even within a European perspective. The notorious French ghettos (you have to see them to understand them, ask Wooz, he knows them better than me) are fairly unique within Europe in terms of poverty/police control. Many of the things you see in Paris do exist elsewhere, but not in the same way. Warsaw may have ghettoes, but not foreign ghettoes like France. Rotterdam may be almost 50% foreignors, but Rotterdam does not lack police control.
If you're suggesting that Europe as a whole should pause about how it fucked up you're having the same perspective-problems as CC is. France's problem is France's problem. It is interesting as a warning shot, but only in the same way that the riots in the US were the same and in the same way that terrorism in the US forewarned terrorism in the EU. To imply collective responsibility is ludicrous at best.