It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

The Overseer said:
Went to a hill overlooking a part of town to try out my new tripod. I want to catch a sunset to try out the new camera, but it´s difficult with all these buildings, and as previously mentioned, I don't have a car. Otherwise I've taken some decent pics so far. Wish we had abandoned condemned factories here though.

Speaking of post-industrial locations in Sweden, 'we' paid a little visit to our summer-cottage on Orust, and on the way there I didn't just notice an old abandoned house, but also one of those old petrol-stationd from the 50's.
Later that day, I went (in true Kitty-spirit) back to the house where, oh the satisfaction, I found a bottle from the very same decade, which used to contain some sort of car-fluid (which I do not remember the name of). However, when I picked it up, it seemed to self-destruct in a melting sort of way.
Aww well, at least I got a nostalgia-trip.
Er... let's get back to posting crappy pictures of ourselves and making fun of even crappier pictures the others posted. I'll just start by posting the first crappy picture:

Now go for it!
And perhaps pull that small guitar out of your left ear? :P

We're being mean, people. Come on. He doesn't look too bad. I used to have hair like that as well.


In the early nineties, when grunge was hot and I was still in doubt about my sexual preference.

vampyrian said:
DarkLegacy said:
Overcome your phobia of scissors. Really. Getting your hair cut doesn't hurt. You won't know if you don't try.

You lie! Stop lying!:/

If your haircut hurts, I'll pay you $5 via Paypal.

And, yes you need to use an actual barber. If you just take a pair of scissors and ram them into your head while trying to cut your own hair - then call it hurting; you don't get anything. :P
Briosafreak said:
Too much talk, not enough pics people

Tru dat homes, so here is a picture of me and my friend Doug many years ago when I worked at a hotel after catering to the local Ren fair out in Gig Harbor / Purdy Wa... Ohhh them were the times... The times of desperately eating floor fries (party foul) after working an 18-20 hour shift...


I'm pretty sure that shifty girl I swapped saliva with was not the reason why I got mono... It was the floor fries!