It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Not photos of me, but something really cool that my friend did for his post-apoc warhammer game.:)




He's also planning on doing 'Bob's Iguana Bits' in the future, can't wait for that one.:)
vampyrian , thats one the coolest thing i have ever seen !
but to bad that the super mutant looks like beths super mutants !
SuAside said:
you holding up ok out there Gonzy? i presume the workload is pretty heavy.

So far so good, I survive, I have seen quite a few leave already.

Wooz said:
Myeah, the place looks like it needs a fan or A/C.

We don't get such luxuries, military life is a life of privation, or that's what they are teaching us. And you have no idea how hot it gets there this time of the year, moist heat. And the winters are cruel too I've been told.
Gonz said:
We don't get such luxuries, military life is a life of privation, or that's what they are teaching us.

Pfft. That's fine and dandy for the cannon-fodder, you're in an officer school. A simple classroom fan wouldn't do any harm to your moral integrity.

And you have no idea how hot it gets there this time of the year, moist heat.

I lived ten years in Chiapas. Kthx.
Wooz said:
Pfft. That's fine and dandy for the cannon-fodder, you're in an officer school. A simple classroom fan wouldn't do any harm to your moral integrity.

On the contrary, the leader is the one that must inspire will when everybody else is shaking.
Lt. Col. Gonzalez said:
Wooz said:
Pfft. That's fine and dandy for the cannon-fodder, you're in an officer school. A simple classroom fan wouldn't do any harm to your moral integrity.

On the contrary, the leader is the one that must inspire will when everybody else is shaking.

"Come on guys! Those damn yankees can't hit shi...." *confederate general falls dead, killed by a yankee sharpshooter* :P

Kudos to ya ^,,^
SuAside said:

It's a mean F*cker, the 7,62 round from the FAL does not forgive, it kills when it hits. It's a bit heavy, yes, and it kicks like a mule, but it sure is a soldier's rifle. Powerful, reliable, easy to maintain and operate, accurate. If you are so much as touched by a round from this rifle you are instantly knocked out of combat. A real badass.
Could you keep the gun-nut "and when I pull the trigger it goes, like, BANG yore DEAD lolz"-stuff where it belongs?
