It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

Thanks for the recommendations, I will give them a shot.

And yeah, I can kinda relate to that story of yours. People have been giving me shit over my band shirts since I remember (and my long hair too, when I had it), and some still give to this day. As a teen I had a couple of problems because of "devil worshiping" shirts and similar shit, and there were several conflicts, but nothing major.

I love it how you dealt with it in a really cool-headed way.
I guess someone missed the podcasts.

Absolutely. My connection is too shitty for long videos, and I have no real interest in Fallout anymore. I did listen to one podcast tho, but I forgot most of it. As I recall, it was interesting (you were drunk), but again, it's new Fallout, I drifted away at some point, I guess.
Only thing I watched in full was MCA interview, but without commentaries in the end.
Best medium tank of WW2 after all!


I, my self, am also a lot more Shermanly in real life.

I know ... shitty joke ... I just love Shermans so much :(!

So you also consider yourself non-binary? I identify not as man or woman, but as a rotting corpse capable of minimal thought and waste production.