Naissus said:
Is it really a coincidence that Bethesda used Obsidian (who just so happened to be made up of Fallout1/2 personnel) to make New Vegas. I have this feeling Bethesda really didn't like all the bad attention the classical fallout fans were giving to F3. So in order to shut us up they used Obsidian, knowing where our allegiance was, to make a compromise and take that part of the market that was maybe missing from F3.
I have to agree with you. I wrote my thoughts on the situation here:"]
This was a brilliant move by Bethesda that accomplished many things with one decision:
- Refocus on what they do best: Elder Scrolls.
- Cash in one more time with the Gamebryo engine.
- Recapture the interest of the old school customers.
To say that lovers of the originals didn't play a role in the success of FO3 is selling them short. They (we) were a large part of the driving force in building & maintaining hype machine. Unfortunately, the product given was largely disappointing and Bethesda must have heard the widespread disappointment. o ignore this group of customers is foolish. Add that FO3 spawned thousands of 'new' Fallout fans who have since been educating themselves on the lore.
So New Vegas comes along. Recaptures the spirit admirably and eliminates a lot of the 'Press Play & Win!!' that was present in Fallout 3. Once the FO3-gen adjust to the growing pains of having to put some thought into the problems & develop the patience to sit and play in a real story, they will be expecting similar (hopefully greater) challenges & depth from FO4.