Its a trap!


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Is it really a coincidence that Bethesda used Obsidian (who just so happened to be made up of Fallout1/2 personnel) to make New Vegas. I have this feeling Bethesda really didn't like all the bad attention the classical fallout fans were giving to F3. So in order to shut us up they used Obsidian, knowing where our allegiance was, to make a compromise and take that part of the market that was maybe missing from F3.
I don't think they'd knowingly give the game to Obsidian and risk alienating their "base" with a game that contains consequences and requires a bit of thought, just to shut us up.
I think it was mostly a business decision and partly a cool idea to let some original devs play around with a familiar IP while both parties still making money. I think the importance of "making the original fans happy" was pretty far down the totem pole for Bethesda considering how they handled Fallout 3. They even said in interviews how they can't make outspoken fans happy even if they listened to them. If Fallout New Vegas makes the original fans happy then it's just an added bonus for Bethesda, not by design.
Obsidian is known for making slam dunk sequels to successful games on the same engine. In fact, Feargus pretty much invented that concept and it is quite popular industry-wide. Bethesda just went where the money is.
Naissus said:
Is it really a coincidence that Bethesda used Obsidian (who just so happened to be made up of Fallout1/2 personnel) to make New Vegas. I have this feeling Bethesda really didn't like all the bad attention the classical fallout fans were giving to F3. So in order to shut us up they used Obsidian, knowing where our allegiance was, to make a compromise and take that part of the market that was maybe missing from F3.
That would be a pretty "expensive" trap though when you consider a game has also the potential to "fail".

I doubt that the considerations of "old" fans played here any role. If anything what played more of a role was the part of developers working on Vegas which did also worked on the past games Like either F1 or F2 for example (I think F1 though). Those people just love as much to make a Fallout game somewhat in the line with the past games as much as we do eventually to play a "true" Fallout game. Obsidian could have as well made a game even much more sillier then Fallout 3. If the person in Charge would happend to have less understanding from the Fallout franchise then Todd has.

Brother None said:
Obsidian is known for making slam dunk sequels to successful games on the same engine. In fact, Feargus pretty much invented that concept and it is quite popular industry-wide. Bethesda just went where the money is.
That anyway, but at least one can say it could have been a lot worse. A lot ...
Maybe it is so, but if this was the case, they made actually a good decision. That "pressure" from the negative feedback made them put more effort to New Vegas.
depends what you see as "preasure" and "negative feedback". Its not like there is really a "we", as you can split the comunity in many many groups. Some which outright hate the Fallout by Bethesda, those which dont care and the ones which enjoyed it. Talking about "old" fans here.
I'm kind of curious how the whole situation between Bethesda and Obsidian was initiated.

Have any of the parties involved said who was the first to approach the other? Was Obsidian hired to do the "sequel" then allowed to pick a location and story or were certain things such as Las Vegas setting, and some Van Buren factions directed from Bethesda?
I think you overestimate the number of classical fans that exist/care that much, in the face of million(s?) who bought, started at and loved Fallout 3.

Obsidian pretty much specializes in sequels and they had a team who were already familiar with the Fallout universe. It just made sense to have them do a spin-off. They didn't want to wait another few years to release another Fallout and as I understand it, Bethesda have been busy working on another title (probably TES V).
What happens next?

Or to be more precise, what do you predict is likely to happen next?
Any chance of bethesda leaving up the next fallout game to Obsidian? Maybe even selling the rights..

Most importantly, is there any way that we, Fallout fans, can affect that outcome? Possibly through some kind of feedback or sale charts..

Id really like to see bethesda not making a Fallout game ever again..
Batcha said:
Any chance of bethesda leaving up the next fallout game to Obsidian? Maybe even selling the rights..

Did Obsidian HQ suddenly turn to gold? B/c the Fallout IP is very very hot right now and I don't see Bethesda selling it for anything less then a 5 dump trucks full of gold bricks.

Only way Obsidian keeps making Fallouts is if Bethesda keeps asking them to. Though of Bethesda makes FO4 and then Obsidian gets to make random spin-off "Nuevo Orleans" or whatever, I'm okay with loving every other installment.
Beth is definitely in the process of making FO4 along with TES5.

Like korindabar explained, New Vegas was there to "fill the gap" so to speak between FO3 and FO4. Since FO3 was such a huge commercial success, it would be crazy not to release another Fallout as soon as possible to further increase sales.

Think EA Sports, except replace NFL with Fallout and 2k10 and 2k11 with 3 and New Vegas.

The fact that Obsidian did it has less to do with appeasing the fans of the original games (although restoring some hope in this crowd is a gain) and more to do with the high probability of Bethesda being occupied with cooking up an in-house RPG engine based off of id tech 5.
Naissus said:
Is it really a coincidence that Bethesda used Obsidian (who just so happened to be made up of Fallout1/2 personnel) to make New Vegas. I have this feeling Bethesda really didn't like all the bad attention the classical fallout fans were giving to F3. So in order to shut us up they used Obsidian, knowing where our allegiance was, to make a compromise and take that part of the market that was maybe missing from F3.

I have to agree with you. I wrote my thoughts on the situation here:"]

This was a brilliant move by Bethesda that accomplished many things with one decision:

- Refocus on what they do best: Elder Scrolls.
- Cash in one more time with the Gamebryo engine.
- Recapture the interest of the old school customers.

To say that lovers of the originals didn't play a role in the success of FO3 is selling them short. They (we) were a large part of the driving force in building & maintaining hype machine. Unfortunately, the product given was largely disappointing and Bethesda must have heard the widespread disappointment. o ignore this group of customers is foolish. Add that FO3 spawned thousands of 'new' Fallout fans who have since been educating themselves on the lore.

So New Vegas comes along. Recaptures the spirit admirably and eliminates a lot of the 'Press Play & Win!!' that was present in Fallout 3. Once the FO3-gen adjust to the growing pains of having to put some thought into the problems & develop the patience to sit and play in a real story, they will be expecting similar (hopefully greater) challenges & depth from FO4.
I'd like to believe the Bethesda felt pressure from fans of the old game, but you also have to believe that can't be a very big market.
Well, what can I say?

I really love the original Fallout games (I still play them today) but FO3 left a bitter taste in my mouth.

The game was a little bit fun to play, but the feeling was all wrong. It just wasn't Fallout for me. I kept waiting for it to drag me in but, guess what? It just didn't.

However, with New Vegas, I'll just say this: I finished my first playthrough yesterday and I just began my new one.

Despite the bugs, it's still great! They just can't break this game for me.

So, IMO, repair your 360 (or, even better, if you can just get it for the PC).

No Liberty Primes or Tree Harolds here (damn, I don't know what I hate more: The giant robot or what Bethesda did to poor Harold.)

***EDIT: Ignore this, posted on the wrong thread***
Crni Vuk said:
Innawerkz said:
- Refocus on what they do best: Elder Scrolls.
Just that Bethesda hasnt since Morrowind even done any decent Elder Scrolls game.

Fair point. I have no idea. I have never played an Elder Scrolls game. I'm just relying on the feedback from other people that Elder Scrolls was a good series.
Innawerkz said:
Naissus said:
Is it really a coincidence that Bethesda used Obsidian (who just so happened to be made up of Fallout1/2 personnel) to make New Vegas. I have this feeling Bethesda really didn't like all the bad attention the classical fallout fans were giving to F3. So in order to shut us up they used Obsidian, knowing where our allegiance was, to make a compromise and take that part of the market that was maybe missing from F3.

I have to agree with you. I wrote my thoughts on the situation here:"]

This was a brilliant move by Bethesda that accomplished many things with one decision:

- Refocus on what they do best: Elder Scrolls.
- Cash in one more time with the Gamebryo engine.
- Recapture the interest of the old school customers.

To say that lovers of the originals didn't play a role in the success of FO3 is selling them short. They (we) were a large part of the driving force in building & maintaining hype machine. Unfortunately, the product given was largely disappointing and Bethesda must have heard the widespread disappointment. o ignore this group of customers is foolish. Add that FO3 spawned thousands of 'new' Fallout fans who have since been educating themselves on the lore.

So New Vegas comes along. Recaptures the spirit admirably and eliminates a lot of the 'Press Play & Win!!' that was present in Fallout 3. Once the FO3-gen adjust to the growing pains of having to put some thought into the problems & develop the patience to sit and play in a real story, they will be expecting similar (hopefully greater) challenges & depth from FO4.

Yeah, Bethesda has two major RPG franchises TES and Fallout. They have the money, but I think they lack the size to create both and be of some quality. I think for a business standpoint, it is easier and cheaper to outsource one of them, that one being Fallout. Now that they have found a company able to create a hit. Hopefully this means the Bethesda team will focus on a new engine to come out with TES5 while their other cash cow Fallout will continue to be produced from outside.

To be honest I liked Liberty Prime well I liked the concept of a giant robot, not how bethesda did it. I blame mobile suit gundam on my love for big robots.
Bethesda has a knack for giant robots/mecha/golems. One has been in every game since Daggerfall ^^
I really hope Bethesda get up from their arses and make the next TES game good again. I love Daggerfall and Morrowind, but Oblivion sucked immense amounts of shit.
Won't happen, though. The next TES is going to be even easier and "casual" than Oblivion.