It's again that time of the year ... or Muslim bashing!

Then what are you doing on a politics thread?
He did post some constructive stuff before this thread became about whether or not Islam is evil, or whatever the hell people are arguing about.
Islam is just a shitty barbaric religion that has no place in Europe. I'm not against muslims, only their violent and oppressive ideology. but honestly if you call yourself a Muslim and know of what Your Religion stands for, You're a pretty shitty person too.
A muslim is a person that follows Islam, if you're against Islam and think it's barbaric and shitty then you're, by definition, against Muslims.
Germany is experiencing less terrorist attacks than say, France, because Turks are less keen on terrorism than Arabs.
Aren't all Muslims bad? Why are they more peaceafull?

Havn't we agreed on the fact that Islam doesn't belong to Europe and that it is fucking dangerous? Again. Germany is doing just fine. Unless, of course you think the German government is lying. But I have grown up here. Never had any more issues with Muslims than with Germans. And I have grown up with Muslims from Africa, Turkey, the middle east. You name it.

Refugees are twice as likely to rape a woman, but that's okay because they're way more likely than that to commit some other crime?
By which figure? I will go with official numbers by the German government. Which says, refugees comitt LESS sexual crimes compared to Germans. Their crimes are mostly theft and yeah, using the Bus without a ticket. Big deal. I guess if German transportation goes down, the world must be doomed.

This one isn't really hard to figure out, y'know.
I want to hear it with your own words. Seriously, I want to nail you down on it. Say it. Out loud. I am fucked up of this populism. Put your words where your mouth is guys.

How should we deal with this?

What is your suggestion? Guards? Fences? Armed ships patroling the sea? All of that is already in place. Doesn't stop them. So what is the next step in your plan? I want to hear it.
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I hate muslin its one of my least favorite fabrics, oh wait Muslims.
Nah, I don't have any imaginary grievances against them. I don 't consider any Daesh types proper Muslim anyways.
Don't see how closing the borders or anything similar will solve the terrorist problem when there are already around 50 million muslims in Europe (excluding Turkey). If muslims don't start reporting the radicals in their communities this will be a very long and bloody process regardless of what policies the countries choose.
Aren't all Muslims bad? Why are they more peaceafull?

Havn't we agreed on the fact that Islam doesn't belong to Europe and that it is fucking dangerous? Again. Germany is doing just fine. Unless, of course you think the German government is lying. But I have grown up here. Never had any more issues with Muslims than with Germans. And I have grown up with Muslims from Africa, Turkey, the middle east. You name it.

By which figure? I will go with official numbers by the German government. Which says, refugees comitt LESS sexual crimes compared to Germans. Their crimes are mostly theft and yeah, using the Bus without a ticket. Big deal. I guess if German transportation goes down, the world must be doomed.

I want to hear it with your own words. Seriously, I want to nail you down on it. Say it. Out loud. I am fucked up of this populism. Put your words where your mouth is guys.

How should we deal with this?

What is your suggestion? Guards? Fences? Armed ships patroling the sea? All of that is already in place. Doesn't stop them. So what is the next step in your plan? I want to hear it.
You torpedo the motherfuckers to kingdom come.


As for the refugees committing less rape per capita than Germans, I'd like to see your sources on that one.
Yes. If you're at least rolling like that, show it. Be honest about your fucked up opinions.

Why do you think killing 100 000 of people will improve our situation? Do you want to see the world burn for some reason?
I dont see why we dont just let them come ashore, blow up the boat they came in and send them back the other side on one of our boats.
That's what already happens. They still come. What's your next suggestion?

Repeating the same nonsense over and over again doesn't make it suddenly true ... the official statistic by the German police and government don't support this, for Germany. No clue, maybe it is different in your nation.

So for the last time.

There is no mass raping going on in Germany ... DUDE I LIVE IN THIS NATION. I think I would have noticed mass rapings by now. Germany was never as peacefull and wealthy like it is today. If you look at the last 70 years.
When they are all so fucking dangerous and when it is always about US (the west) vs. THEM (aka da Muslim!), how comes that Germany is so peaceful? While France has seen quite a lot of violence in the recent years. It seems like they suffer attacks after attacks. But I can't remember the last time a Muslim has killed 70 people in Germany.
You should thank Bundesnachrichtendienst for that, since there's more than 6000 dangerous salafists (2014) kept in check and daily monitored by secret services in Germany. I think it's only a matter of time when the shit will hit the fan.
Angry? I guess yeah. But hoenstly I would be more disappointed really.

Because at the end of the day, none of the people you mentioned can offer solutions to the highly complex problems and challanges we're facing today. What they do most of the time, just bashing the drum. But that's not helping. Like as we've seen with Nigel and Boris, who both chickened out of what they started. We also see this right now in the parliaments in Germany, where the AfD has done nothing put spouting populism without offering suggestions or solutions. Infact, a few of their representatives have laid down their mandadate due to the huge stress they had to endure. Politics is hard I guess, when you're not shouting from the sideline anymore.
Right now the AfD is also suffering from a serious issue with antisemitism inside their ranks.

You should thank Bundesnachrichtendienst for that, since there's more than 6000 dangerous salafists (2014) kept in check and daily monitored by secret services in Germany. I think it's only a matter of time when the shit will hit the fan.
There are more violent crimes against refugees and immigrants than there are crimes by refugees and Muslims on Germans though. Particiularly if you take a state like Saxony that has a muslim population of 0,4%. Of which many are also students and normal residents.

So I am rather worried about right wing populism and extremism in Germany which far exeeds those 6000 Salafis. And which are just as violent. Which doesn't mean that they shouldn't be observed. But if you consider that the number of Salafis who are also Germans (See Kurnatz), is relatively high ... well, there is not much you can do about it. You can't condemn people for something they might do at some point in their life. That's why terrorism is so difficult to fight without violating the personal rights of citizens. And I don't see that danger yet in Germany.

I think the fact that our government is very carefully trying not to generalize and fighting xenophobia is doing a lot more here to protect us from violent Muslims and radical Islam. Dividing people in groups and creating a sense of paranoia hasn't really done much in France in the recent years. Except for starting one debate after another what ever if mosques should be closed, and having more laws and surveilance etc.

You bang on about these statistics but you dont actually put them in your posts. Do they exist?
Can you read German?

Here is an article, which I posted earler in this topic about it:

Refugees responsible for tiny proportion of sex crimes in Germany despite far-right claims following Cologne attacks

Otherwise, there are tons of articles, but in German about the Bundeskriminalamt. If you're interested you could look for polizeiliche kriminalstatistik 2015 and 2016. They are available as PDF on google. Those are the official numbers. But I am not sure of what use they are to you, if you can't understand German.

It is no surprise that yes, crime has grown with the increase of refugees and asylum seekers, most of those crimes though are so called victim less crimes. Which includes crimes like illegal immigration, using public transportation without tickets, lack of identification papers and so on. Only a tiny number of delicts are serious. Like sexual assault, harrasment, rape, or even murder and so on. The statistics show that it is blown out of proportion. And that there is also a huge difference of crimes commited by refugees and immigrants and foreigners in general, which also includes tourists, like geting caught for vanadlism while being drunk.
Can you read German?

Final post on this

During the 2016 New Year's Eve celebrations, hundreds of sexual assaults (including groping), numerous thefts, and at least five rapes were reported in Germany, mainly in Cologne city centre. Similar incidents were reported in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, and Bielefeld.

All of the incidents involved women being surrounded and assaulted by groups of men on the street. There are more than 1,900 victims and it is reported that up to 1,000 men may have been involved in Cologne, acting in groups of several dozen. Police reported that the perpetrators were men of "Arab or North African appearance" and said that Germany had never experienced such mass sexual assaults before
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Yes, and how many times do I have to acknowledge that it was a horrible and bad incident? But ... what is your conclusion from this? The authorities are searching for the suspects and if they get caught they will face a trial and punishment for their crimes. What more should we do?

I mean, Germany is still here. And from where do you conclude that this is some kind of mass-raping of German females by evil refugees? Or that this would be some kind of standard. Again, sexual assault is NOT the same as rape. 5 reported rapes are not what qualifies as "mass raping of Germany". The way you word it, makes it sound like this kind of thing happens every day or something like that. This isn't WW2. And the Red Army isn't marching over Berlin.
Not in Germany. I can't talk for other nations. But same question, what should we do now about it?
Cologne ...:roll:

And people say I would be obtuse.

An allem sind die Juden Moslems schuld!
Die Juden Moslems sind an allem schuld!
Wieso, warum sind sie dran schuld?
Kind, das verstehst du nicht, sie sind dran schuld
