It's again that time of the year ... or Muslim bashing!

Yes. If you're at least rolling like that, show it. Be honest about your fucked up opinions.

Why do you think killing 100 000 of people will improve our situation? Do you want to see the world burn for some reason?
You'd only have to sink several boats for the rest to stop coming. And that would improve the situation.
You'd only have to sink several boats for the rest to stop coming. And that would improve the situation.
At least you're honest. I can even respect that. Obviously we absolutely don't agree on that matter and have very detrimental opinions. Because it leads to more questions. What if it doesn't stop them from trying? And despite of killing some, they still continue to come? Or what will you do when those people start to arm them self? Like the somalian Pirates, maybe even attacking trading ships in the Mediterranean Sea? Or if the kind of violence, like what we see in France, is increasing?

In short, we are ignore the fact that if we go for more drastic measures, like killing, the other side might as well. Even if we ignore the fact that killing unarmed refugees is pretty much illegal in any western nation and against any civiliced and humanitarian conventions. But the point is, this isn't like WW1 with trenches and clear lines or like WW2 with armies and nations that engage each other on a field. We are talking about asymmetrical and highly complex issues. The more radical we become in our views and actions, the more will we have to face violence, terrorism and attacks like we saw with 9/11 or Paris. Violence is called a spiral with a reason.
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As usual. Problems are really easy to solve if you believe that some humans are worth less than others.

I love also how he tries to solve "The Muslim Problem" by killing unrelated African fortune-seekers
"Same shit, they're all black, no?"
A muslim is a person that follows Islam, if you're against Islam and think it's barbaric and shitty then you're, by definition, against Muslims.

Its tricky, because many people who call themselves ''muslims'' don't follow Islam. Their cultural muslims, same as some ''christians'' who work at sundays or only go to church at Christmas, or dont belive in God.
But if you are truly a muslim you subscribe to an evil and brutish religion, and i wouldn't want you in my country.

Cologne ...:roll:

And people say I would be obtuse.

An allem sind die Juden Moslems schuld!
Die Juden Moslems sind an allem schuld!
Wieso, warum sind sie dran schuld?
Kind, das verstehst du nicht, sie sind dran schuld

Tasteless comparision.

Islam is inherently a violent, sexist religion. With no respect for Women whatsoever, the disgusting acts that happened in Cologne should have been expected.

Its tricky, because many people who call themselves ''muslims'' don't follow Islam. Their cultural muslims, same as some ''christians'' who work at sundays or only go to church at Christmas, or dont belive in God.

Oh, I remember that - I actually read large parts of Breivik's "compendium"
It's very practical:
If someone claims to be a muslim, but does not rape or kill - they aren't REALLY a muslim.
If they rape and kill, they are true muslims!
Oh, I remember that - I actually read large parts of Breivik's "compendium"
It's very practical:
If someone claims to be a muslim, but does not rape or kill - they aren't REALLY a muslim.
If they rape and kill, they are true muslims!

What do you consider a true muslim?
Cologne ...:roll:

And people say I would be obtuse.

An allem sind die Juden Moslems schuld!
Die Juden Moslems sind an allem schuld!
Wieso, warum sind sie dran schuld?
Kind, das verstehst du nicht, sie sind dran schuld

Damnit that was not what I had in mind. What I would do is deport those on terror watch lists and prosecute those who have commited crimes.
Yeah, I am sorry I missunderstood you.
But don't you think the criminals should serve some prison time first? That's what they do here at least. After their sentence served in prison, as punishment for their crime, they might be be send back. This decision is made in Germany from case to case.

Its tricky, because many people who call themselves ''muslims'' don't follow Islam. Their cultural muslims, same as some ''christians'' who work at sundays or only go to church at Christmas, or dont belive in God.
But if you are truly a muslim you subscribe to an evil and brutish religion, and i wouldn't want you in my country.
How would you prevent them from getting in your country? Don't say armed guards and fences/walls. We have those already. It doesn't stop people from coming.
And what would you do with those that are already there? And how do you check if someones a muslim or not? What if they say they are not? How do you know they arn't lying?

What do you consider a true muslim?
There is no such thing as a true muslim. Just as there is no such thing as a true christian or true jew.
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Yeah, I am sorry I missunderstood you.
But don't you think the criminals should serve some prison time first? That's what they do here at least. After their sentence served in prison, as punishment for their crime, they might be be send back. This decision is made in Germany on individuals

How would you prevent them from getting in your country? And what would you do with those that are already there? And how do you check if someones a muslim or not? What if they say they are not? How do you know they arn't lying?



Check where they come from, Its not rocket science... ''Islamic country? Sorry, you can't come in.'' Wouldn't you agree that would be better than ''lol can't differentiate, how about allowing everyone in!''
Tasteless comparision.

Islam is inherently a violent, sexist religion. With no respect for Women whatsoever, the disgusting acts that happened in Cologne should have been expected.

View attachment 4442

Christianity is inherently a violent, sexist religion. With no respect for Women whatsoever, the disgusting acts that happened in Tenochtitlan should have been expected.


Check where they come from, Its not rocket science... ''Islamic country? Sorry, you can't come in.
I see I guess I know what you have in mind now ...


I guess, you could also open camps in your nation, with guards and barracks where you concentrate the muslims that are already in your nation.

Wouldn't you agree that would be better than ''lol can't differentiate, how about allowing everyone in!''
We don't allow everyone in. Background checks are done. For example, if you're returning from ISIS, you will face a trial in Germany and spend time in a prison.
Christianity is inherently a violent, sexist religion. With no respect for Women whatsoever, the disgusting acts that happened in Tenochtitlan should have been expected.

I agree! :lol: (Atleast the old testament) No but Christianity is pretty retarded too, anyone who reads whats written in the Bible and Quran and says ''That sounds reasonable'' shouldn't breed.

I see I guess I know what you have in mind now ...


I guess, you could also open camps in your nation, with guards and barracks where you concentrate the muslims that are already in your nation. .

No. You're making a lot of really dumb assumptions.

''Oh geez he doesn't want muslims in his country? Hmm, that must mean he want them in his country in Auschwitz style camps, and segrate the-''

Funny considering Hitler was a fan of Islam. Anyway...
Maybe you can tell me why you would want anyone who believes you deserve death for not being a muslim (i assume you arent) near you?

Pray that they don't act upon their beliefs?
Pull your head out of your ass.

''Hey. these muslims aren't that bad, In germany they only steal and commit petty crimes in way greater numbers than Germans per capita! Not like in Sweden where they also rape way more!''
I agree! :lol: (Atleast the old testament) No but Christianity is pretty retarded too, anyone who reads whats written in the Bible and Quran and says ''That sounds reasonable'' shouldn't breed.
It doesn't matter really. In the midle ages people killed others because they couldn't agree if Jesus had possessions or not ... so everyone who even owned as much like a coin or bag of gold, was a herretic in the eyes of some die hard Franciscans. Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican friar ruled for a short time over Venice as a defacto Dictator, preaching clerical corruption, despotic rule and the exploitation of the poor. Under his rule, children would roam the streets, demanding enter into the homes of wealthy citizens and burning their possession on the streets. People got killed for as much like owning a golden ring. We are talking about people here, that follwed the new testament.

You don't need the Shariah or the old testament to get people to kill and hate others. Hence why I don't understand why people see Islam as something special really, particularly if you consider that the Moslems kill mostly each other because some follow Alevism, others Wahhabism and another one is following the Shia. And those are just the popular Islamic schools, there far more smaller ones. So there is not one single Islam. And the constantly kill each other as well. If you think Nice or Paris are Bad? Then you should see Bagdad or Syriah. They have such attacks pretty much every month in some regions. And you can believe that a group of Sunna as minority in a certain region is probably not very fond of radical Shia muslims and would benefit a lot from secularisation. That's why I find it very dangerous to simply lump all Muslims together. Like, they are all dangerous!

A few 100 years ago, 100 000 died because of evangelism and catholicism. Many European nations have gone trough a very violent time where the opression by religion was reversed, the so called age of enlightment, and where peacefull priests and believers have been killed by the thousands. Like in France. But similar things happend in other places in Europe too. Since we know both sides, we simply agreed that the faith and religion belongs in the church where as politics belongs in the parliament. And it is best to seperate those as much as possible.

See, I am not a friend of religion and definetly not Islam in particular. I despise any religious system. I think it is very dangerous. But religous freedom is one of the pillars of a working democracy. You can't have a healthy and working democracy, while at the same time excluding a certain religion. Particuarly when it happens for the most part on a lack of understanding and fear. Fear leads to unreasonable decisions. The moment you close down mosques and remove Muslims from your society or prevent them from entering your nation, simply because they are muslims ... the radical terrorists win. This directly ties into their propaganda. They even say it on their pages! That attacks on western nations, like France, should be a top priority, so the French government is forced to act with harsher laws and regulations on their Muslim population. The moment we talk about Islam as en entity, we simply loose.

No. You're making a lot of really dumb assumptions.

''Oh geez he doesn't want muslims in his country? Hmm, that must mean he want them in his country in Auschwitz style camps, and segrate the-''
The problem is that you can't have the one without the other. You can't call your self a liberal and free democracy, with free spech, religous freedom, but exclude a religion as whole. The fact that you personally, don't want them, doesn't matter. That's your opinion. And you're free to have those. And you should be free to express it. But realistically, you can not get this trough, without violating the rights of your citizens. What would be the next target after all the Muslims are out? Maybe Homosexuals? And what then? Maybe those that are not "true" christians? Like Jehovas Witness? Gypsis? Black people? Either ALL people and ALL religions are equal, or none. In history, it simply happend way to often that populists and extremists would use the current zeitgeist to get their agenda trough. That they don't stop at just one group or just one minority. Those things happen over years and decades. And sooner or later you end up with someone like Erdogan in Turkey, who step by step dismantled the current system. Or someone like the AfD in Germany. And it isn't anymore just about Muslims, but it becomes about Jews as well. Or Homosexuals. And sooner or latter you find YOUR SELF eventually on the other side, simply for what you believe in! Unless of course you fitt in that little picture and world the extremists created.

For example, it is my opinion that Jehovas Witness is a dangerous sect and they shouldn't be around, I had friends that left them, and the stories they have to tell are really not great. But it is not my task to force onto others what they should believe or which religion or interpretation they should follow. The only tool we have in a democracy, is the discussion. Criticism. Enlightement. Arguments. Education. This is a very difficult and a tedious process. But is the only one that works in the long run.

The reason why I fight for Muslisms and Islam, even though I disslike it, is because I am a maverick. Because I don't fall in this neat little picture that many populists and anti-muslim people draw out there. Becuse I have many muslim friends and know people with a non-german background. Because I myself have serbian roots. I am an immigrant. And I know, once the Muslims are out or dealt with. They will simply move to the next target. And I experienced racism already in the past. There is a reason why the Jewish community in Germany is very much against the Muslim bashing by the AfD. They very well know what it means when you reduce everything to the religion.

Maybe you can tell me why you would want anyone who believes you deserve death for not being a muslim (i assume you arent) near you?
Dude, as someone who's very close to homosexual feelings, I know that feeling already. I wouldn't really enjoy a very nice life in Serbia under the mostly Orthodox rule they have there and the fact how Homosexuality is seen on the Balkan in general. But not all muslims are the same. And from my experience, the die hard Christians I met? They are hardly better than the Muslims. That's why I always chuckle when someone comes up with this need survey about how many Muslims support Shariah or are in favour of this or that group. Yeah ... I am pretty confident theat the same survey done with all Christians in this world, would come up with very very similar results. Like, did you know that more than 40% of the Americans believe in Angels? Maybe a large part of those would feel very comfortable with a state based on the Bible? Where Homosexuality is outlawed and who knows how big the support of radical christian ideas and ideology really is?

Just beacause most people aren't sitting with signs at the street saying "God hates fags!" and "When they die God laughs!", means they don't share some of their sentiments. Like you know, the opinion, I don't want to kill homosexuals, but if someone else does it, I wouldn't object. I've seen such people who hold this opinion. A polish friend of mine openly told me, that he would support the extermination of all Homosexuals, because they dilute the gene pool or something. You can for sure imagine my feelings, and which is one of the reasons why I don't openly live out my sexuality. While he was also at the same time in favour of Europe, liberty and freedom of speech. People are very complex beeings. And the same is true for religions.
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I like how you promote mass murder of civilians

Hey! Let's see you verbalize it, that would be fun!
Say after me:

I promote mass murder of civilians!
In a stateless society, this would be a non-issue, as all land would be privately owned and any encroachment on it by third-world hordes would be seen as an invasion. And even if there was unclaimed land for these people to settle on, the natives would still have a lot of peaceful means at their disposal to get rid of them.

That's just what the state is - a monopoly on violence. That's how problems are solved in a statist paradigm - violently. And since the state isn't going away any time soon, I would rather that it uses violence and threats of violence to keep these people out than to force others to take them in.

At least you're honest. I can even respect that. Obviously we absolutely don't agree on that matter and have very detrimental opinions. Because it leads to more questions. What if it doesn't stop them from trying? And despite of killing some, they still continue to come? Or what will you do when those people start to arm them self? Like the somalian Pirates, maybe even attacking trading ships in the Mediterranean Sea? Or if the kind of violence, like what we see in France, is increasing?

In short, we are ignore the fact that if we go for more drastic measures, like killing, the other side might as well. Even if we ignore the fact that killing unarmed refugees is pretty much illegal in any western nation and against any civiliced and humanitarian conventions. But the point is, this isn't like WW1 with trenches and clear lines or like WW2 with armies and nations that engage each other on a field. We are talking about asymmetrical and highly complex issues. The more radical we become in our views and actions, the more will we have to face violence, terrorism and attacks like we saw with 9/11 or Paris. Violence is called a spiral with a reason.
Piracy isn't very efficient on the coasts of Somalia, and it would be far less so in the Mediterranean. However, if it was to start happening more in other parts of the world, maybe governments would just stop being retarded and allow civilian vessels to be armed, thus solving all piracy-related issues.
Terrorism is on the rise even though Europe was never more of a pussy. Maybe showing some teeth wouldn't be a bad idea.
In a stateless society, this would be a non-issue, as all land would be privately owned and any encroachment on it by third-world hordes would be seen as an invasion. And even if there was unclaimed land for these people to settle on, the natives would still have a lot of peaceful means at their disposal to get rid of them.

That's just what the state is - a monopoly on violence. That's how problems are solved in a statist paradigm - violently. And since the state isn't going away any time soon, I would rather that it uses violence and threats of violence to keep these people out than to force others to take them in.

Wow, the originality of your edgyness staggers me!
maybe governments would just stop being retarded and allow civilian vessels to be armed, thus solving all piracy-related issues.
That wouldn't solve piracy at all, it would just lead to a whole lot of deaths in battles on the seas.
In a stateless society, this would be a non-issue, as all land would be privately owned and any encroachment on it by third-world hordes would be seen as an invasion. And even if there was unclaimed land for these people to settle on, the natives would still have a lot of peaceful means at their disposal to get rid of them.
That's just what the state is - a monopoly on violence. That's how problems are solved in a statist paradigm - violently. And since the state isn't going away any time soon, I would rather that it uses violence and threats of violence to keep these people out than to force others to take them in.
We get it you like the fucking book, now can you stop peddling its shit? Honestly, I could just as easily post paragraph after paragraph of rhetoric from Leviathan or some other book that justifies the state, but I don't because I'm not an asshole that sees my beliefs as infallible.
Its tricky, because many people who call themselves ''muslims'' don't follow Islam. Their cultural muslims, same as some ''christians'' who work at sundays or only go to church at Christmas, or dont belive in God.
But if you are truly a muslim you subscribe to an evil and brutish religion, and i wouldn't want you in my country.
Those people aren't Muslims, the same way a person that doesn't believe in the bible isn't a Christian, they're just people with Muslim ancestry.
Don't you get it guys? The brown an black people out there have one, and only one single purpose and target in their life.
To kill the white man.

What I find strange though, is how the Islam is seen by some as a religion of violence, how their followers are described as violent and spreading hate. But when you look at the war on terror with more than 100 000 killed Muslims since 2001, either directly or indirectly from our actions. Or the fact that at least 2 nations, Afghanistan and Iraq, have been invaded by the US and some European nations. Or that the US, France and Uk bombed the shit out Lybia, Syrah and other places. Or that we have for years permanent NATO bases in the middle east and many other muslim nations. Or that the US is still killing, each year 100 of people with drone strikes, of which a lot of targets are children and bistanders. Then well, you have to really ask your self which belief or system is the one of violence here.

I always ask my self, if let us say Iran would have killed 100 000 Germans or 100 000 americans since 2001. What would we do?

Just recently I have read a comment on youtube, which was like this:
"Islam is a religon of violence and hate!
Slay all muslims!"

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